Advice on Blood test results


All i can say is that a high testosterone level could indicate pcos. The scan you had before, was that an ultrasound or internal. the doctor thinks that i have pcos but they didn't find anything on the scan. It was an ultrasound though and apparantly the internal scan is better as it gives a much clearer picture of whats going on. I think LH is the hormone for ovulation, if its low does that mean you're not close to ovulation???!! i'm not sure. I think with pcos LH is usually raised all the time. Did they tell you the numbers? If FSH was low then that is good, that indicates ovarian reserve and the lower the better.

When i first went to the doctors, he refered me to a specialist to do further tests. I guess the gp's surgery isn't reallly equipped to carry out all the investigation. I was just refered to the womens clinic at my local hospital, they did more blood tests and my scan. They should also take some swabs to check for infections. Try not to worry, its good that they seem to be doing something for you.

It would be better getting refered as a couple as they only investigated me at the time and then told me there was no reason why i couldn't get pregnant and to come back after a year! It was only then that my husband was tested. I found out after this that if there is a reason such as irregular periods you should not have to wait a year!! So we wasted a lot of time!

Hope this helps in some way. Any questions, i'll try to help. I have really long cycles sometimes, the longest was about 6 months so i know how frustrating it can be.

Michelle x
Hi Shellbham

Thanks for takig alook for me, (I've been follwoing your diary btw :hug: so i know you propobaly understand it a bit better than me)

The scan i had too years ago was both an ultrasound and and internal but htey said they couldn't find anything. But the doctor said that doesn't mean i haven't got the onset of PCOS now so she wants them done again. At least I now know why the hair on my face has thickened etc lol!

Thanks for shedding some light on the other results too ! :hug:

Yeah I'm really pleased with my doctors quickness to help and making sure that everything is ready quickly for us to be referred.

Just got to hope my cycle ends soon so we can track a full one with my bloods.

Could i just ask something, my OH has to go and get tested too both bloods and a sperm sample. From your expereince do you know what are the normal results for a sperm count etc etc so that when his come in we are ablke to interpret them better?

Bex :D
Hi Bex,

No problem!

What is your weight like? They still think that PCOS is the only diagnosis for me, even though they couldn't find and cysts. The way the doctor explained it, is that as i keep my weight controlled well the cysts are kept down but i still have the irregular periods as that is a symptom of the condition. So this could be the case with you too. For PCOS, i think your LH is normally around double your FSH. Mine was approx double but still low.

But try not to worry, the consultant at the hospital said that it was very easy to fix me!! :shock: But we then found out about my DH's sperm problems so fixing me wasn't a priority anymore!

This is just off the top of my head so may be a bit out. Sperm volume should be between 2-6ml. Sperm count should be over 20 million per ml but ideally above 40million. Motility should be 50% progressive with at least 25% being rapid. Morphology/normal forms, i think should be 15% but i'm not too sure. Do you know what his blood tests are for? My DH had blood tests after the 1st sperm test came back low but didn't have any before that.

Hope this helps, let me know how you get on. :hug: Any other questions, i'll help as best as i can, i know how it horrible it feels when you're just starting with the tests. It can be a bit overwhelming! Can they not induce a bleed so they can start the investigations, instead of making you wait. They did that with me when i had to have a HSG, so that they didn't have to wait around.

Good luck,

Michelle x

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