Advice Needed - Spots on scalp... Treatment?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Since being preg ive got loads of spots, the ones on my face I can cope with using antipseptic cream etc but i have quite a few on my scalp and im not sure what to use on them, they are driving me mad!

I thought maybe some sort of shampoo? Or bathe my scalp in something? Any advice is greatly appreciated! :D

Thanks x
i went to my doc about mine and he has given me some lotion to put on mine. it seems to help but i forget to use it all the time.

if you find your scalp goes dry (mine does every period), then coconut oil helps my tons! you can buy it from most chemists.

if not.. smother your scalp over night in cream and sleep with a showercap on.
I'd try a solution of diluted lavender and tea tree oil dabbed onto the scalp with cotton wool.

You could also try a medicated shampoo to avoid infection. Body Shop do a Manuka one (a version of tea tree) which loads of people raved about when I worked there.

*EDIT* I wasn't thinking about your pregnancy! Durr! Sorry, hon. Ask your doctor about using anything at the moment :D
I may just get a medicated shampoo and then ask my midwife on friday? Medicated shampoo should be ok shouldnt it? :) x
Depends....... :?

The Manuka one's great but it IS tea tree and that's on the no-no list for first tri....

I'd check to be on the safe side. Can't you call your MW? :D
my doc gave me mine when i was pg - but i was 35 ish weeks :think:
I dont have a midwife yet so not sure who to call, maybe i should hang fire until friday and see what they say then?
Yeah i will wait :) best to be safe than sorry! Thanks girls x

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