Advice needed please help!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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I've got thrush in my breasts, my right one is pure agony to feed her but my left isn't too bad.. Can I just feed from the left for a few days or will that cause me more problems?? Docs said she didn't need treatment as she has no symptoms but I've read she needs it too or it will keep coming back.. Anyone else had this bad like me? Did you both get treatment if not did it come back?? I don't want my right side to dry up or get mastitis or something is it ok for left feeding??
I had mastitis when I BF'd first - is that where the milk gets blocked & infected & swolen & you cant use it?? & the one that had it couldn't feed from at all, had to only use the other..they said to wait & see if baby got enough, and if not move to formula, no other option i suppose. (I stopped BF'ing around this time) She said its just luck if it clears up in enough time or not. I cant see how feeding from the one boob would cause probs apart from if there wasn't enough milk.

Hope it clears up soon, it sounds nasty..

I would try pumping the sore breast if you can or hand expressing to give it a rest, you don't want to end up lopsided and making that boob even sorer from becoming engorged. I thought they would treat baby too as you will keep re-infecting each other?
Yea hun, you need to get antibiotics for LO too or you'll keep passing it back to each other unfortunately! If you can't feed her from the right, defo try expressing, even if it's just a bit, cos if you don't you could stop producing! And youd end up with right lopsided boobs haha! Hope it clears ip soon, luckily I never had it, but it sounds so awful!

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Thanks ladies went to boots and they said she needs a prescription so called docs to see if they could just write me one coz I have Jaycee off today (don't know why they close one school and not the other!) and they said it would take up to 48hrs! So had to make an app for half 11.. So annoying!! Even the boots people said its common sense to get her treated as well! So bloody annoyed! And so sore :( if this delay stops me bf I'll be so upset! I did say to doc yesterday she should be treated or we will keep getting it but he said she would be fine without it.. Dumbass doc!!! Parking at this docs is rubbish so gonna have to take them both out in this horrible cold weather :(
Managed to express 3oz in 3 mins! Couldn't do it longer my nipple started to split on the side :cry: feels good to be emptied though!!
That is a good amount! So glad you're getting something for her too. It did take mine a while to go completely but it was a lot less painful after a couple of days x
That's good to know! I'm glad my left is still 'active' so I can still feed her myself.. Shall I discard the expressed milk as it will be infected with thrush..? It will be ok in fridge for 5 days (I read) so if we treat ourselves.. And I feed her that in a few days... Will it come back?? Thinking bout keeping it for a few days in case my left gets bad and I can't feed at all
I really wouldn't jeep it more than 24 hours hun! You can freeze it tho, for up to 3 months I yhink! I'm not sure about the thrush infecting the milk tho xx

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I was told 48 hours max in the fridge and 3 months in freezer but maybe don't freeze cos of reinfection thing but get OH to give it to her tonight so you get a bit more boob rest! 3oz is a good amount that's how much I get in 20 mins!
Hello - sorry to hear you're having such a rubbish time, it sounds awful, but great you are still trying. Three oz is loads considering. I have read ""It is not clear whether expressed milk of a mother with candidiasis should be saved and frozen for later use. Freezing deactivates yeast but does not kill it." So that doesn't help you. I suppose they are saying, chance it if you want! Good advice from Sarah 13 - give it tonight if you are going to treat with antibiotics from tomorrow anyway and it will give you a rest. Oh and breast milk is supposed to be OK for five days in the fridge, although i've never done more than three days.

On the subject of breast feeding, whilst doing some Googling this morning i got an answer to a question i'd been wondering about for a while. Thought i'd share for those that don't know.

If you have a bottle of expressed milk and LO only drinks half, what should you do? The advice is, discard after an hour because if the baby's saliva mixes with the milk it can cause bacteria to grow.

Most of the time my LO drinks the lot and wants more, but on a couple of occasions I have wondered if i should save that last bit (after all it's like gold dust in this house).

ps Hope you don't mind me hijacking your thread JCM...
pps Wishing you a speedy recovery :)x
Thanks everyone..
Good piece of advice it's just like formula u have to discard after an hour..
I wil probably give it to her tonight to rest my breasts and nipples just fed her on my left and it's split like my right :(
Got her meds and she took it well thankfully :)
Glad she was ok with it. Is it the cherry flavoured one? Nystatin or something? I didn't keep any milk I'd pumped while I had it just in case x
It's an aniseed one, thick and yellow looks like flegm lol! She took her second dose great too! Figured if I give it to her when she's hungry she is more likely to take it! My left side started to hurt so I tried my right and thank god it's not too bad! :cheer: the cream seems to be working really well! Putting it on after every feed with a fresh pad on.. I'll give her what I expressed later to see if she takes the full 3oz (curious to how much she drinks) and I can't give it to her in a few days or she will get infected again! Still hurting but bearable now! My advice to anyone would be the first signs of it go get some thrush cream!! Skin around my nipple always itched while I was feeding her so that may have been a sign..
Thanks for all your help!

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