Achy on right side a normal symptom??


Oct 7, 2019
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Can anyone please tell me if this is a normal symptom of early pregnancy? I will be five weeks tomorrow, and starting last night I started getting this achiness/dull pain that comes and goes on my right side around my ovary area. I also feel it around the top part of my leg as well as the right side of my back. It’s not constant or sharp, and it doesn’t last a long time. I only feel it on my right side. I will be seeing my doctor on Tuesday so I will definitely bring it up. Has anyone else experience this?
Hi, did you see a Dr? I had an ectopic a few months ago and woke up with a dullish pain in my left lower pelvic area and that radiated into my thigh too,it wasn't extreme pain and parts of that day it did go off and it turned out to be ectopic, certainly not wanting to scare you but being checked is deffo the right thing to do xxx
I'm having this pain, I'm being monitored for ectopic. Try to see a doctor as soon as possible xx
I went to see my doctor on Tuesday and she said it is fine as long as it’s not severe or there is any blood. I’m too early for an ultrasound but the achy ness is gone. I get mild period cramps in my abdomen that come and go but she said that’s all normal
See your doctor for sure, but try not to look too much into it. Our bodies do strange things in response to anything. I get similar pains when I haven't drunk enough and dehydrated. Not saying that's what it is, but just an example of the random stuff our bodies do.

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