AAAAARGGH Why do people...

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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a) ...assume that because you're having trouble conceiving number 2 you are so wrapped up in it you forget you already have a child? Surely it's obvious that we appreciate her all the more because it's possible that she may be the only one? If one more person looks at me and says, 'you know, you have a lovely daughter,' I;ll scream!

b)... say after two pregnancies, one failed, that 'at least you know you can get pregnant' - I COULDN'T get pregnant the second time which was why I was on Clomid. I'm not even sure I'm ovulating now! So no, I don't know that I 'can get pregnant', any more than anyone else does. I know that I got pregnant once, and delivered a healthy baby (thank God) and that I COULD get pregnant with assistance. But now, I CAN'T.


Sorry. Rant over.
Hiya sue,i know how you feel i used to get the same questions over again
when we had our first dd1 as it took 18 months nearly ttc,but it was only
my dh side of the family saying we should be spending quality time with
the lo.
Bearing in mind my dh has diabeates type 1 and doctors told us ttc might take a little while longer and it did dd2 was born when dd1 was nearly
3 1/2 years old.

Ttc our 3rd baby we have'nt told anyone this time cause we simply don't
need people questioning all the time.

So i'm trying to say please don't listen to anyone else do whats best for
you and your family :)

Good luck on ttc and sending lots of babydust your way.x

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