A tribute to my dear Grandad


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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hope you all dont mind me writing this
This is my Grandad Collier with my Grandmar and my niece and nephew
this photo was taken only a few weeks before my Grandad sadly passed away.
He died a year ago yesterday

at the weekend my family all got together to plant a tree and a plaque to pay tribute to my Grandad
this is mine

his death was a suprise to us all as it was my Grandmar who was ill.
But my Grandad went out in the best way you can ask for
it was quick and painless
the family all gathered around to say goodbye
and i got the chance to say i loved him over the phone and he told me he loved me too.

a few hours later he died peacefully with my Mam holding his hand said her goodbyes and told him how much she loved him and was proud to call him Dad.

We our a very close nit loving family and we all miss him dearly

but his loving legacy lives on in my Aunties, Uncles my Mam, Me, my sisters and Cousins, and my cousins children
And my sisters children
and now with my unborn child
Who in loving memory of my Grandad Collier, i have named my Son Collier :D

he was a wonderful Grandad and a wonderful man who i am very very proud to call him my Grandad :hug:
HE was a pillor of the community and always sociable happy and very very funny every body knew him and everybody loved him

he always gave me cuddles when i was upset and made me howl with laughter at his silly jokes and daft antics.
:rotfl: :hug:
he was loved by all, at his funeral half the population of Seaton Delaval turned up to pay tribute
he was a strong member of the community and an active coucilor of the Labour party and of BLYTH VALLEY at one point he was Mayor of Blyth Valley
i was so proud seeing him in his Mayor robe and chains :hug:
he helped those less unforunate them him self
helping to run MEALS ON WHEELS to feed the elderly with little money even though he was elderly himself he always thought of others.
and was governer of the local schools

but above all this he was a wonderful family man
i miss him every day
but his memory will never die as i will pass on all my memories of my fantastic Grandad to my Son.

:hug: sarah
That is beautiful and a nice tribute calling your son after him. I never met my granddad but we are thinking of naming our son (if it is a boy) after him.

Some of these are coming your way :hug: :hug: :hug:
awwww thats lovely sarah got me in tears :cry: :hug:
im sure little collier will follow in his great grandad's foot steps :)
thinking of you hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww, that's a lovely tribute :hug: :hug: :hug: I'm sure your grandad will be very proud to have his great grandson named after him
How to make a girl cry!!! I know how you feel, my grandparents died around 5 years ago yet i still get upset thinking about it all.
I also decided if baby was a boy i would name him after my grandad and as shes a girl i will give her her great grandmother (and grandmothers) name as a middle name.
Even though i've got a wonderful new life coming it doesnt take away the pain of losing people
Your Grandad Collier sounds like he was a really lovely man and a pillar of the community.

Your son will be very proud to know who he is named after.

I hope you're feeling OK at this sad time :hug:
aww bless you hun, I know how hard annivesary's are

That's lovely hun, made me cry, he sounded like he had a very happy life and touched a lot of other people's lives too. Thinking of you at this sad time :hug: :hug: :hug:

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