A tad worried - symptons coming and going

Ms Perkins

Active Member
Dec 8, 2008
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I'm sure there are lots of other posts about this but I woke up this morning feeling much less sick - I will feel queesy, but not as bad as I did yesterday. Also boobs don't feel as sore.

After MC in July I'm beginning to worry a bit - I'm 8 weeks today and I have a private dating scan on Tuesday to check for "pregnancy viability" - ie a heartbeat, or even just a baby there!

I MC'd at this stage in July and I'm getting paranoid. Don't get me wrong I still feel quite sick, but not as bad as I did yesterday....

Did anyone elses symptoms come and go???? They've been pretty consistent up until now.....I've had no cramps or spotting....
i have days where i don't feel too pregnant too, i go all day and feel ok, but then the tiredness sets in. try not to worry and see what your scan shows, i will keep everything crossed for you my dear. a few people have posted similar thing to this, i think it is normal for symptoms to come and go. :hug: :hug:
I've been a bit like this over the last couple of days hun.
It all changed this morning when I walked in the kitchen and the smells *bork*
The days when i feel "normal" I wander around in a panic state. Or I sleep so I can't think about it.
I'm counting the seconds until my first scan just to know there's something really there and its not just in my head. I know how you feel, FX for you hun & I hope the scan shows you what you need to see. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know exactly how you feel. I've just done another pregnancy test which was positive!!!! I seem to have 1 day feeling really poorly then the next day not as bad. This morning i noticed that my boobs weren't hurting as much as normal, so i started to worry. Its awful feeling really bad but it does kind of reassures you! I'm sure everything is fine and thats just what happens. :D
I felt like that a couple of days ago - now I miss it as I feel like crappy crapperson.
I have never slept so much either!!! I'm so pleased it has been the Christmas break and i've been able to just laze around the house. Eventhough i've done absolutely nothing i wanted to do, i don't feel guilty as our bodies need the rest, they are working over time to make us beautiful babies!!! :lol:
I feel like this alot of the time, I have hardley any symptoms but im not worried as I have seen baby and hear it most nights.

It is normal for them to come and go, just be greatful you haven't got it 24/7, im sure your little bean is fine :hug:
Hi. I had really bad sickness until 8 weeks then it went completly. I had a scan at 9 weeks which was very reassuring. My sickness is now back slightly but not as bad as before. My boob pain also eased off a bit but they r hurting again now. Good luck with ur scan.

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