A rumor I heard


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2014
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So when I was pregnant with my son, someone told me it's harder to conceive a girl than it is a boy... is this true?
if you only have sex when you feel in the mood it's probably because you are ovulating! lol...and if you have sex close to ovulation you're more likely to get a boy as boy sperm swim faster (but live shorter lifes) girl sperm live longer but swim slow - so to get a girl you need to have sex days before you possibly feel in the mood! lol. And if you are using ovulation tests to tell you when to have sex - then you are likely to be having sex the day before or day of ovulation -resulting in a boy! Also comes down to ph (acid or alkalinity) of your body/cm - as boy/girl sperm favour opposite environments!

Having said that - that's the scientific verdict on it - in fact I only BD the day before ovulation when I got a positive test - and last 2 children were girls (my first was a boy when I didn't use ov test).
I don't think there's any truth to that, personally. I've not looked into it, but if that was the case, you'd have to wonder why so many people chose to terminate girls and keep trying until they have a boy, or why so many baby girls are abandoned in certain countries, because they want a boy instead. If anything I'd say it was the other way around - but I don't think it would really apply in either circumstance. It's all down to genes, DNA and chance!
I would have said the opposite. Due to there being a higher population of females than males in Britain.
I've read what Iwant3 has put but yeah like others have said think the population is 52% female so go figure that one!

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