A question about Bleeding 5 weeks after birth poss tmi


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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Not sure if this is the right place to post this, let me know if its not!

Freddie will be 5 weeks on Tuesday all is going well with him apart from a bit of colic. After he was born I had a fairly light bleed, in fact I didnt have to change my pads very often at all and I only changed them when I felt that I should, not because they were particularly full, after two weeks the bleeding had almost stopped, I had just a small amount of pink/brown discharge and felt sure that this was nearing the end. A few days after this I had some bright red blood again which I put down to the fact that I was getting very little rest (Freddie was feeding almost constantly and when he wasnt I was rushing around trying to get things done instead of resting). After resting the bleeding settled again, this happened a couple of times so I really started to take it easy and making sure I was ok. Since Tuesday I have had a lot of bright red blood with some small clots, the bleeding is getting heavier despite resting, I have to change my pad every time I go to the loo and I can feel myself bleeding when I stand/move etc (sorry if TMI). I also have some pain in my stomach, fairly high, not where my uterus is, just under my ribs.
Could this be my period returned or is it more likely an infection of some kind? I dont have a temperature and there isnt an offensive smell so I'm not sure an infection can be the answer but it seems to be very heavy for a period and is getting heavier as the week goes on unlike my previous periods.
Is this normal, should I be worried, has anybody had this problem and can offer any advice?
I plan to go to the GP but would like your opinions first, you ladies know where I'm coming from and always give great advice.
It is quite common for bleeding after the birth to stop and then start again. Mine stopped for about 10 days then restarted. however, if you are worried ask your HV.
Ditto the above.

FWIW my bleeding stopped within about 10 days. Only for me to then have a period when LO was just over 3 weeks old. I've had 3 more periods since then.

If you are worried go see your GP tomorrow and get it checked out.
I'm still bleeding and LO is 6 and a half weeks old. It's pretty normal for it to be stop and start, I kept getting little clots and then not getting them, then it would start all over again. I'd see someone if you're worried hun, but they say that if you get clots bigger than a 50p piece and there's a smell etc then you need to see someone about it, otherwise I think anything's normal. I'd see someone to put your mind at rest about it, like your HV or doctor if you're worried :hug:
I'm still bleeding. Some days it'll be really watered down blood, like "old" blood, other days (like today) it'll be redder and almost like a period.

I haven't had a day where I've not bled yet though. xx
Thanx girls, I will ask my GP wen I see her tomorrow, Freddie has an appointment to check his chest as he has a suspected heart murmer (sp) I'll double check with her that all is as it should be with me too but by the sounds of it it sounds quite normal

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