A quarter of the way there!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Can't believe I'm 10 weeks today, the last 4 weeks since I found out have flown by. Feels good to get to double figures though! Only 30 weeks left!! Got a feelin these r gonna drag compared to the first 10 weeks!

Bit of a pointless thread but I'm happy this mornin (so far!!)

Well done you, it's the last 10 that always drag to me feels like each wk gets longer xxx
A good milestone to celebrate... well done! :)
that's what i thought nic! any reason to celebrate! next celebration is my dating scan on wednesday :D
You're exactly the same as me... it's my way of getting through (especially the first 12 weeks when there is so much anxiety) - I'm counting down the days, and taking every opportunity to celebrate each week passed!! Best of luck with the dating scan... that is my next milestone too (next Monday) - can't wait! Let us know how it goes! :)
Will post pics as soon as i can afterwards, my next milestone after that is my 12wk scan at 12w 1d on 9th august.

then i will feel a lot better!
Definitely the 12 week scan is the one to help put our minds at rest a bit! That'll soon be here for you - and then you can relax and enjoy the next 30 weeks (ahh, sounds so long!!) :)
it's gonna feel longer than it sounds!

it's all so exciting for me as it's my first and we have been tryin for years and was told i was unable to conceive naturally, then along comes Pip! The day we had out first early scan was the day we were supposed to get given clomid or referred for IVF!

Pip had other plans for us though, which is fine by me!
Aww great news Hun, well done!

My early scan will be on what was my recurrent miscarriage appointment, I used to hear people saying everyone gets preggers before treatment and think 'Yeah right!' but maybe there is something in it after all?

definately for me!

i lost weight too which must've helped a lot, but this little one was meant to be :)
Sounds like it was definitely meant to be! It's my first too - and I'm also so excited - really never thought I'd be able to say 'I'm pregnant'. After being married for almost 8 years (anniversary next Tuesday - day after our 12 week scan... woohoo!!), I think everyone gave up hope on us ever having little ones! Fingers crossed everything works out for us all! :)
Awww... the perfect anniversary gift! :)
Aww yaii for you and buba, Congratus on 10 weeks :) xxx
Hey that's fantastic. Ill be 10 Wks Wednesday, grateful for each week that goes by closer to my 12 wk goal. I didn't reach as far a 12 wks before so i'm quite nervous this time.

All those years ttcing and a successful ivf has paid off. Can't wait to see him/her again and know that everything is ok.
:yay: congratulations!!! can't wait till i get there, im seeing that as my first big milestone. just 3 more weeks to go for me! and your so close to your scan, how exciting :D x x x

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