A poopy start to the day!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Hi everyone,

I wasn't sure if to post this here or not :?
Anyway, I got up this morning and as you do went downstairs to be greeted with a lovely fragrance of poo!! my little doggy has had a case of the not so thicks and the kitchen floor/cupboards/bedding/fridge etc was covered in brown sludge, she had trodden it all around the kitch, sat in it and jumped up at the worktops, you can imagine the mess!

I got a towel and carried her out to the garden & then just stood staring at the mess (trying not to be sick coz of the smell!) I had to try and get to the sink but the floor was covered and there wasn't a clean bit to put my foot down!!

Eventually, after an hour and 20 mins of cleaning & scrubbing the kitch looks and smells normal again,(typically enough my hubby is at work this morning :evil: ) my back and bump are killing me!, but what I would like to know if cleaning up all that feces is in anyway dangerous to my bub, I know you shouldn't really deal with it in the 1st tri. but is it ok in the 3rd and what would I catch from it?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Nicki.x :(
:D Hi Nicki :)
Hope your back and bump are okay,and I do hope that your little doggy will be feeling herself very soon - I always give mine kaolin at a dose of between 0.5ml and 1ml per 5 kg body weight every six hours,depending upon the severity,(this is a smaller amount than recommended)but you have to be certain that if they are on medication such as any steroids, NSAIDs,or anything with asprin in that the kaolin doesn't contain bismuth salicylate as an ingredient.

Anyway,pet head off now,I only thought you had to be weary of cat faeces because of the risk of toxocaria in poo that has been lying about a bit,I think it is more than 24 hours.As soon as my cats do their poo poos,I immediately remove it from the tray (wearing gloves) and wash my hands after.

I haven't heard of anything that you can catch from dog poo,and when I told my Vet I was expecting(I get on really really well with my vet,and see her more as a friend)she told me to be careful with cat poo,but didn't mention anything about my dogs.However,someone may know different!
Hope that helps a little :D
OH my God, i would have kicked the dog out permanantly.

I have only been warned of the dangers of cat, chicken and sheep poo. I use gloves to do the cats and chickens and seem to be fine. I havent heard of prblems with dog poo tho, just use common and hygene sense really.

Hope this helps!
Yea the toxiplasmosis risk is only centred around cats poo.......and even then unless you actually eat/consume some poo its hard to catch!
You know what its like in pregnancy..............theres a new and improved risk every day! :lol:
Bet that was just what you needed, lots of poo in the morning. Like everyone has said it is mainly cat poo that you get warned about, I wouldn't worry about it. Your story reminds me of when I was in labour and was about to go to the hospital. I went downstairs to find out that my old dog had pooed i the kitchen and was having to clean it up in between contractions, flipping dog!! :D
actually, i have been warned several times against dog poo girls... but only when the chils is born! so nicki i don't think it's anything to worry about
anyway i've heard quite often that even the slightest amount of dog poo rubbed near childrens' eyes (if they play outside then rub their eye or cheek) can make them blind !!!!!!
old wives tale? look it up. i'm not sure. but i wouldn't take the risk anyway...
hi, i'm a veterinary nurse and alothough you do need to be wary of cat faeces when pregnant dog faeces can also be a risk - more so once baby is born i found this info one a veterinary wesite:-


Toxocariasis is an infection of the round worm Toxocara canis5. It is a zoonotic6 disease that is spread via unwashed vegetables and dog faeces. Young children in particular are at risk due to their weaker immune systems and because they are more likely to expose themselves by ingesting the eggs. A puppy can pass as many as 15,000 eggs per gram of faeces, and they are a major source of environmental contamination.

Each T. canis female can lay up to 700 eggs a day. These are passed out when the dog defecates and can survive for up to three years in soil. After two to three weeks of warm weather the eggs develop into an embryo state, containing larva - this is when they become infective to dogs and people.

The larvae try to migrate through the human body as they would in a dog's, but the human body treats them as foreign material, which causes a reaction and tissue damage.

There are two types of toxocariasis: visceral larva migrans (VLM) and ocular larva migrans (OLM).

In VLM, the larvae reach the liver, causing inflammation and symptoms such as abdominal pain and pyrexia. Most people recover spontaneously.

OLM occurs when a migrating larva reaches the eye. It causes a granuloma to form on the retina, causing significant visual impairment and in severe cases even blindness.

There are about 12 new cases of OLM diagnosed annually in the UK7.

Reduce The Risk

Poop scoop every time your dog makes a mess. Keep a packet of bags next to the dog's lead as a reminder to take them with you.

Dogs should be wormed regularly - every three to six months. Use a prescription wormer from a veterinary surgeon.

Exercise dogs in dedicated 'dog areas' of parks if available.

Do not take dogs into parks that have children's playgrounds.

Contact the local authority and ask for a poop bin to be put in place.

Bag It And Bin It
Thanks for all your replies,

I have to say that my DH has cleaned up the poop in the garden since I became preggers, just incase, but as the bloody dog chose to do it when he was at work I had to do it, if there's a next time I think i'll leave it for him to clean up!! (if I did that that i'll be telling you all about my divorce :lol: )

Hypnorm, thanks for that info, scary stuff is that dog poo!
I'll try and make sure the little 'un doesn't eat too much of it :lol: apparently I tried to eat some Spanish dog poo when I was about 18 months :shock: think my mummy's lying to me though! :lol:

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