a little help if poss pls...


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2007
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Hi All,

Am starting to get a little worried as LO hasn't moved since very very early this morning (about 4am), and I keep getting very odd dull pains either in my belly or sort of like stabbing pains in my 'area' when I sit or move too quickly.

I've tried talking to baby, and drinking cold water, and eating. My OH had a little prod, which almost always does the trick, but nothing!

Does anyone else think I should be worried? I'm only 29+2!!


mine gets hyper with sugar, but then baby takes after me for that. i used to and may still do get hyper on sugar lol

id say nothing to worry about but if u are then ring your mw.

if u not felt movement for in a day or more then defo ring mw asap

im sure your babys just sleeping.

pains in womans area i get too but think babys just lying on a nerve.

if u are worried tho i think u should call your mw :)
Have you felt any movements yet? If not try not to worry too much because it could just be that your LO is having an inactive spell or sleeping more than normal. But it's always worth getting checked out.. and it can be done relatively easily by the GP using a monitor. Alternatively if your hospital has a maternity assessment clinic you could go there to get some reassurance all is ok.

Fingers crossed for you x :hug:
hi hun they reckon if you dont feel bubs move in 10 hours then to contact mw or hospital, you will probably find as soon as the hospital put you on a monitor your lo will start kicking away.

kimheath said:
hi hun they reckon if you dont feel bubs move in 10 hours then to contact mw or hospital, you will probably find as soon as the hospital put you on a monitor your lo will start kicking away.

what she said! xx
When my baby did that i went to the hospital and it started moving grrr!

Ring the gp and see if they have a fetal heart doppler there just so you can hear your babys heart, I imagine though that your lo is just having a quiet period as they do or having a kip!
well, LO finally decided to wake up, at 2am this morning!!!

Woke me up by kicking me very very hard in the bladder, waking me up and forcing me to get up and go to the loo!!!

I feel stupid for panicking now... I'm convinced its a boy now, and a mischevious little boy at that!!!

Thanks for all your help and advice.

Liz and the nortee bump x
kitten1102 said:
I feel stupid for panicking now

Aww no you shouldn't feel stupid :hug:
You should through half of my posts lol I'm always panicking or moaning about something but luckily all the girls here really do understand and the advice they give always seems to be right.
You can have a good old moan any time you like and we wont think your stupid at all :D

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