a few symptoms yet so confused


Jun 25, 2012
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I am a mother of two girls.
So I am not new to pregnancy. However, I am srsly confused at this point.
My period had started June 4th, lasting 6 days, and my average cycle is 27 days.
Ovulation came around June 17th.
I had sex 4 days prior, the day of, and many days afterwards.
I am in tune with my body enough to feel every weird thing it dishes out.
Here it is a week later, just about, and I have experienced lil sharp pains here and there, and yesterday I had light pink blood on the toilet paper. I got excited, yes, cause my body doesn't let go of that little bit of blood. I am a heavy bleeder when it's that time of the month.
Anyways, the light pink stuff stayed around for most of the day. Always on the toilet paper.
Today I wake up, and the very light pinkness was hanging out on the toilet paper again.
A few hours went by and I for some reason, stuck my hand down my shorts, and my fingers came back with this decently colored red blood. Not real dark, and not real light. Kinda like, normal blood. And it's not enough to make a mess. Yet it's a tiny bit chunky.
Complete weirdness I have never experienced.
What is going on?
My boobs have started to get tender and my emotions are a bit out of whack. Which, the whacky emotions are pretty normal for me. But now their a bit ridiculous.
If anyone could give some insight as to what my girly parts are doing, I would be most thankful.
I do hope I am pregnant. I really do.
But it's still so early and I could use y'all's help.
And I should add on that I have had quite a few nauseous moments and my appetite has increased like woah.
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And I should add on that I have had plenty of nauseous moments and my appetite has increased like woah.
Could be implantation bleeding maybe? Finger crossed for you. Bet you can't wait to poas now x x
That is exactly what I am assuming.
I just don't recall implantation bleeding being like this.
It was always a dark, gross color with my other 2 pregnancies.
I think they say it can be old brown blood but also the pink ish colour you describe. I really have everything crossed for you honey x x
Thanks doll.
I am nervous as hell but so excited.
I just wish I could make sense of it all right, now.
I lack patience.
I knew immediately when I got pregnant with my daughters.
This right now, is confusing me.

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