A bit disapointed


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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Im just letting off a bit of steam but does anyone else feel a bit disapointed in things they planned during pg but that havent panned out the way they thought.

1) Breastfeeding. I really wanted to do it. Ive tried, maybe not my best, but I have tried.
2) Breastpump. I knew I would end up using it once and not using it again. Another thing to go on ebay. Its a medela if anyone want to buy it from me. Electric.
3) Bf necklace and bangle. I was so chuffed with my bf necklace and bangle and now I cant look at it without feeling down.
4) Cloth nappies. I wanted to do this as well. If it was my first baby I probably would have but with not having had a solid number 2 from Jessica in ages I just cannot do it. It would turn my tummy too much.
5)Graco swing. I made stuart trawl every shop in Ayr till we found one only to get it home and it was massive. I mean huge so it went back. Ive since got a take along linkadoos.
6)Fennugreek capsules. They are going back.

Sorry this is soooo long and please dont get the impression im a miserable cow but I planned so much and not much of it went right.

Im over the moon with my babies though.
ahhh hun, sorry your feeling down.

The thing is YOU TRIED! thats all that counts. so what if baby has disposable nappies, and is being bottle fed as long as he is healthy happy and cared for thats all that counts.

us Mums are far to hard on ourselves.
I know what you mean. My first was bottle fed and I was 100% sure I done the right thing. I had more time this time to think about these things and thought my confidence as a second time mum would see me through but to be honest, right now I feel like a new mum from scratch. Only with a toddler to look after.
I know its baby blues and will pass. Roll on the passing.! :lol: At least I know it will pass, last time I didnt know what had hit me.
That post was trying to be helpful, just realised it sounds a bit heartless! :oops: Sorry xx

I think we are too hard on ourselves and of course we all go into motherhood with the best will in the world, but try and be easy on yourself. Like it's been said, as long as your babies are warm, cuddled, fed and happy you're doing the best job on the planet and you should be congratulating yourself! :hug:

Best life coaching advice I ever got. Imagine you are your best friend? What would you say to her if she was feeling like this?
Good answers.

Sometimes I can find this forum a little bit judgemental and some mums sound as if they are doing everything perfectly!!! Don't worry this time will pass and as long as your baby is happy and healthy sod the rest.
LittleMinx said:
That post was trying to be helpful, just realised it sounds a bit heartless! :oops: Sorry xx

Best life coaching advice I ever got. Imagine you are your best friend? What would you say to her if she was feeling like this?

Very true, many a time i have said that i wouldnt bf if it didnt feel right. I just was so sure the first time. Warm and cuddled, he certainly is that!
I didnt think your first post was heartless :lol: , very to the point. I will have a look on that website as I have a mountain of girls clothes to sell now.
Don't feel bad, I agree with littleminx, what would you tell your best friend. I know its not as easy as that, I have been my own worst enemy and still beat myself up for not being a "perfect mum" but in the end who is perfect. The main thing is our children are loved and well looked after. Your two most certainly are so pat yourself on the back, and when you sell that pump treat yourself with the money to reward yourself for being a fab mum :hug:
beanie said:
Don't feel bad, I agree with littleminx, what would you tell your best friend. I know its not as easy as that, I have been my own worst enemy and still beat myself up for not being a "perfect mum" but in the end who is perfect. The main thing is our children are loved and well looked after. Your two most certainly are so pat yourself on the back, and when you sell that pump treat yourself with the money to reward yourself for being a fab mum :hug:


:hug: Like you say Laura, this is the baby blues and thank goodness they pass! A mum in our baby group said she found going from 1 to 2 babies the hardest (she now has 4!) so I can imagine that you're dealing with all the new baby stuff but when they say "sleep when the baby sleeps" thats just not as possible with a toddler as well!

Please try to not get upset about the breastfeeding, I know you really wanted to give it a go this time round but you did and it didn't work out so no need to give yourself a hard time. You've also had a section as well so you're recovery is going to a take a bit longer than a "normal" delivery.

Chin up honey and looking forward to meeting up at a Scottish get together once you and the wee un are ready!

Lucy x
You aren't alone. I wanted to bf-found it far too painful, and bleeding nipples aren't a pretty site, breast bump-an exhausting chore at times!

I don't use cloth nappies, never wanted to tbh, disposables are far to convenient for me. :oops:

Dont beat urself up, u r a fab mum, and this is just a stage that most of us have been thru.

Take care, and chin up hun xxx :hug:
thanks everyone,
its reassuring to hear from you, i know its just baby blues homing in on all the insecurities and by 6 weeks I will feel able to cope again and things wont seem so grey.

Thanks all :hug:
Shouldn't ur name now be Lauramum02? 2 lil buba's now! x :hug:
lauramum01 said:
thanks everyone,
its reassuring to hear from you, i know its just baby blues homing in on all the insecurities and by 6 weeks I will feel able to cope again and things wont seem so grey.

Thanks all :hug:

It will hun, and you will soon forget about it and just enjoy your two gorgeous children :D
K X said:
Shouldn't ur name now be Lauramum02? 2 lil buba's now! x :hug:

hehe, it should be lauramumof2 because it certainly wont be going to double figures :rotfl:

sorry nothings quite turning out but life never does turn out how you want it does it?

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