A bit confused


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2010
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On Monday at the scan I was told I was 13 weeks pregnant and due on Monday 23rd of August, so does that mean I'm on my 14th week now? Like 13 weeks and 4 days pregnant? And by this Monday I will have completed my 14th week?

I hope this makes sense but I'm just a bit confused and it's hard to explain what I mean on here :oooo::eh:
Hi there,

All the information I have read tells you which week of pregnancy you are in so for me, I am currently 6+4 but am in my 7th week of pregnancy. On Tuesday I will be officially 7 weeks pregnant but will be starting my 8th week of pregnancy- does that make sense?
Ye thats wat I mean, I counted the weeks until I was due and if I'm right then I'm 13 + 4 and this is my 14th week, I just wanted to check I'd got it right lol
It was all confusement when i tried figuring my dates out but my hubby helped me until i had the scan lol. but i do yet you lolx
Yep - when you are 13+ anything you're in your 14th week - ie the 2nd trimester!

25rd August was my original due date! when I had my scan though they put me back four days so am now due on the 27th! be interesting to hear how you progress...
take care hun xxx

p.s. get a pregnancy ticker up and it'll do a countdown for you and tell you how far along you are xx
Well, you learn something new everyday! Never new that! So I'm officially 6 weeks even though I'm 5+2??
i dunno how that works coz i went over due with both of mine had them at 40wk +5day but nobody eva said i was in my 41st wk of pregnacey i was just 40 wks 5days in there eyes and they only do summit when your 42wks over due so if thats what use are saying as soon as i was 41wks 1day over due i would of been in my 42nd wk of pregnacey but docs and midwife dont take it like that i dont think, well never with me. help me understand lol
OOO that means Im in my 17th week - thats making it sound like its going by way too fast!
i didnt really know this either?? surely your just rounding up. meaning as its over 13 for example and 14 is next your just saying 14 rather thn 13+3 or whatever?

im pretty sure your exactly 16+2 or whatever you are and saying your in your 17th week is just a case of rounding up ? am i wrong?! x
if you start at the beginning it's easier to understand. In the first week you are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 days pregnant, not a week yet but you are in your first week. Does that make sense?!?!?! x
No, the way it works is like this - just say for example that it was the 3rd December today- you would say you were in the first week of December.

Therefore even though I am 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant, that means I have completed 6 full weeks and am 4 days into the 7th week meaning that I am in my 7th week of pregnancy, not that I am 7 weeks pregnant.

Does that make sense? Not sure I've explained it very well!
aaaah haha yeah i get it. it doesnt mean you are that amount pregnant just that you are in that week of pregnancy. LOL ok i see xx
OO, Yoshi, we are date twins! I had my scan and was put back to 23rd August! And without this thread I wouldn't have known I was an official Second Trimester! See you over there!
Annie you explained that perfectly! I really couldn't think how to word what I meant =D
Number 2 - That's made me even more excited!! Second trimester already!! It seems only yesterday I was signing up to this forum a confused little pup =/

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