A bit alarmed


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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I have been whining on about my sore throat and cold for some days now...I am pretty fed up of it.
My chest is so tight I struggle to breathe, it feels like there is a lot on my chest, but coughing is very very painful.

I have just managed to be brave and cough (it hurt :cry: ) and my phelgm (sorry) is green, brown and blood stained :shock: :shock:

I have discoloured phlegm before, but not with blood???? Am I going to die? Isn't blood serious?

I am going to try and get an appointment to see the doc today, but I am more than a bit scared. Has anyone had this before, will I be ok? (Sorry for being a drama queen, it has freaked me out a bit!)
maybe its because your throat is so sore and chest feeling so tight im sure its ok but best to get checked hun :hug:
Er... that doesn't sound good hun :hug:

Sounds like it might be an infection. Definitely get yourself to the doctors asap and get checked out.

Isn't it fun being up at silly am? :cheer:
Sounds like a possible infection and if you've been coughing a lot, where everything is squished up with baby, it may have caused more irritation. Don't forget our lungs have hardly any room at this point thanks to LO taking up most of the space. I find coughing far more painful now than I did 8 weeks ago. The pressure when coughing is far more intense.

Please don't panic overly about this. I'm sure your GP will have a good listen to your chest and so on.
aww hun, that doesnt sound great :? it could be the blood is from the broken vessels in your nose, running down your throat and then you're coughing it up. Green and brown is usually sign of chest infection. Hope you get on ok at docs xx :hug:
Try not to worry. I was talking to my Nan last night who said that she was coughing the other day and the tissue she coughed into was all bloody and she was really worried until my Dad told her he has had a bad chest too and has been bringing up blood in his phlegm. Funnily enough, Matt has been too since he has been ill so it sounds like some kind of bad chest infection going around.

Hope you feel better soon but just wanted to let you know it's not just you right now so you feel less alarmed xxx
Thanks peeps :hug:
I've calmed down a bit now, I think I was all alone at 5.30am and getting far too carried away. I have decided the blood might be from my oesophagus. It has been very sore and irritated from all the gastric relux I have been having.
I have got a docs appointment at 12.40 today, so hopefully he will be able to give me some antibiotics, it does sound like a chest infection. Gah! Hope it goes away soon, I have a wedding on Saturday!
Yeah your throat might just be red raw from coughing so much :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Try coughing constantly with stitches in your erm... bits OUCH! LOL
hope the doc sorts you out hon :hug: :hug:

DebbieM said:
Try coughing constantly with stitches in your erm... bits OUCH! LOL

with you there - laughing and sneezing aren't good either :? :? :D :D
Good Luck at the docs.

Hopefully you will feel better soon. :hug:
Been to docs. I have a chest infection :roll: at least I am not going to die :cheer:
He has given me some antibiotics so I am hoping they will work quick and I will feel better soon!
Thank you for all your replies and support! :hug: :hug:

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