9days old, unwell or growth spurt??


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Sofia is 9 days old, she has been pretty good and only waking twice during night. Last night she woke loads an fed every time she woke, had a mega dirty nappy so changed her and stuff.

Today she's been sick twice and she's never been sick, shes not sleeping longer than an hour at a time and is half heartedly feeding for about 5 mins at a time. I really don't know whethe she's ok or not, she's also sneezing all the time!

Any thoughts? How long do breast fed babie stay at the breast for in your experiences?

Sorry to be asking so many stupid questions I just don't really know what I'm doing I guess lol. X
Poor Sofia! Isla used to do short feeds, it could well be a growth spurt. If you're still under midwife care give them a call.

Sorry I can't advise any more, all babies seem to be different xx
The sneezing is fine. Sounds like a growth spurt - I think they expect one at about 10 days. Over the last 2 months George has gone through lots of phases, sure the mw wouldn't mind if you called to check.
It sounds like a growth spurt Hun, Aiden was the same he's going through it again now. Has she got a temp or anything? If you're worried just ring midwife or the Triage at hospital and ask but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about but all babies are different and I'm not a doctor so don't take my word for it lol x
She doesn't have a temperature, I think shes prob just having an off day as she just slept fOr 3 1/2 hours. It's really hard to know what to do with a newborn! Ahh! X
Deffo sounds like a growth spurt then, Aidens first one he'd sleep for ten minutes wake up for an ounce then sleep ten minutes that went on for hours and then he slept for 5 hours lol it's all new so don't worry about asking questions, I spent the first two weeks on here asking questions lol x
Yep, sounds like a growth spurt !!! It's hard as a first time mum isn't it??? Hope Sofia is doing well, she looks gorgeous!!!!! X
What would I do without you guys :)
It really is strange having a baby, and just wanting to cuddle them cos you aren't sure what else to do! I feel really tearful today! So strange. X
Dont worry about feeling tearful and not knowing what to do - we all have those days, you're doing great :)
What would I do without you guys :)
It really is strange having a baby, and just wanting to cuddle them cos you aren't sure what else to do! I feel really tearful today! So strange. X

Awww baby blues?? it's the worst :hug:
Yeahthink it might be, I don't feel depressed I just want to cry every now and then! Lol. When I look at her I want to cry! It's silly, but I love her. Xx
Hey hun, just wanted to say I'll be the same when baby arrives asking heaps of questions. Don't worry its not stupid, no one gets a manual on how to do this lol. Oh and I agree she is gorgeous!

Yeahthink it might be, I don't feel depressed I just want to cry every now and then! Lol. When I look at her I want to cry! It's silly, but I love her. Xx

God I was awful with all 3. Each time I knew it was coming yet I was never prepared for how down I could feel whilst being so happy iykwim.

I would just cry and cry, reliving the birth wishing I could do it all over again lol. Weird I know but I never thought it would end x
I remember the baby blues, such a weird time, your emotions are all over the place you're obviously so happy but everything makes you wanna cry! I used to sit the for hours just staring at Aiden and I'd think about how amazing the situation is and I'd burst into tears, I've just done it again lol that immense feeling of love is so over powering sometimes you can't help but have a little cry x
Baby blues are awful :( your so happy but sad at the same time! I'd look at charley and cry, someone would hold him so I'd cry, I even had a pain in my bum and I cried! Lol luckily mine only lasted the day!
mine have practically gone now.......earlier sofia threw up loads TWICE all over me and that sent me over the edge and i just sat and cried on the bathroom floor with her all covered in sick!! i just felt so useless! stupid. x

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