Hi, i'm preg for the first time and just wondered if someone who has had children before could help me!?! My mum has bought me one of those week by week development books. So each week I have been reading about how the baby is growing, and what will be happening in the coming week etc. But
if you work out how far gone you are from the 1st day of your last period, I wouldnt of actually conceived then would I?? It would have been AT LEAST 1 week after that (was norm on period for 6 days) So those of you who have had children before, when you have gone for your 12 weeks dating scan, is it usual to find your actually a couple of weeks behind what you thought??? Sorry this is a bit long winded
just so pleased to reach 8 weeks tomorrow
..but cant help thinking Im probably only 6 weeks or so
.and reading the wrong sections in my book!! xxx