Hiya all.
Just after your opinions on my 8 month old sons diet. I'll give you a run down...
Upon waking 8/9 oz formula
Breakfast- Either weetabix or porridge made with 3oz formula + half pouch of fruit
Lunch-1 7+ jar and yogurt
Tea- Half 7+ jar and half fruit pouch
Bedtime bottle 8/9 oz formula
He also has between 6/8 oz of water throughout the day and the occasional biscotti and organix snacks.
I guess I'm just worried about him not having enough formula. I was offering him bottles between meals but the problem with my son is its all or nothing....if I give him a bottle he'll want 8/9 oz and then just spend the day throwing up his food so I thought why bother, he didn't seem to need it, he's hungry at mealtimes and eats really well. I'd love to just be able to offer him a couple of oz's but if I do he just cries for more and as I say then throws up everywhere.
I don't give him a large tea because he won't take his bedtime bottle and then he really is only having 13 or so oz's which I was told by the HV that is isn't enough.
He seems happy and healthy so maybe I'm just over analysing things?
Any opinions or suggestions much appreciated.
Just after your opinions on my 8 month old sons diet. I'll give you a run down...
Upon waking 8/9 oz formula
Breakfast- Either weetabix or porridge made with 3oz formula + half pouch of fruit
Lunch-1 7+ jar and yogurt
Tea- Half 7+ jar and half fruit pouch
Bedtime bottle 8/9 oz formula
He also has between 6/8 oz of water throughout the day and the occasional biscotti and organix snacks.
I guess I'm just worried about him not having enough formula. I was offering him bottles between meals but the problem with my son is its all or nothing....if I give him a bottle he'll want 8/9 oz and then just spend the day throwing up his food so I thought why bother, he didn't seem to need it, he's hungry at mealtimes and eats really well. I'd love to just be able to offer him a couple of oz's but if I do he just cries for more and as I say then throws up everywhere.
I don't give him a large tea because he won't take his bedtime bottle and then he really is only having 13 or so oz's which I was told by the HV that is isn't enough.
He seems happy and healthy so maybe I'm just over analysing things?
Any opinions or suggestions much appreciated.