8 month check?????

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Does every baby have one? Do you get a letter through with an appointment? Who is the appointment with?

Fi is 8 months next week and I haven't heard anything - i know there is still time, I was just wondering what they check and if it's always done? xx
we don't get one here - next time she's seen is when she is 12 months I think :?
My 8 month check was 2 hours before my letter arrived with the appointment on, so i missed it. HV comes to our home, they check baby's abilities, such as passing from one hand to the other, using the thumb and finger to pick things up rather than grasp with their whole hand and stuff like that. It's about an hour long and they just make sure you're all happy, she weighed and measured etc.
Not sure if everywhere does an 8 month one though. I think other areas do it at different stages.
We are supposed to have one although Emms is 10 months on Sunday and we havent had one yet! Apparently they are running a bit behind! I phoned the surgery to ask about it and they said it was another NHS department who send out the letters. It probably varies across the country. I would ask your HV :hug:
I rang my clinic and was told that they do an 8-12 month check but they're running behind so will prob be longer than that! They're useless :roll: x
at our clinic they only do them if premmie , health issues etc lack of funding my hv said ! leland also just had his 12 month check at the hospital and has been discharged :cheer:
Jacob is one in two weeks and he hasn't had his 8 month check yet.... because they are running a bit behind :shock:

Yey for Leland!!! :cheer:
Its 10-12 months here but again you have to pester, they seem to be very forgetful.... :roll:

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