

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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as some of you know me and garry aint been getting on to well recently, well today he came round to see B and gave me the rest of the money he owed me from the hell i call the weekend away. and wen i asked if he had the money for Braydon he sed he had to give the rest of his money to him mum for his bro (remembering his mum kicked him out wen he was 15(no fault of his own shes a head case) and they aint really got along since till she wants something) and i wasnt in the mood so let it go, but last nite i was texting my best m8 and she was down the pub and guess who else was there GARRY if i didnt have B in my arms i would have been right down there and throwen summit at him, i told my best m8 si was really upset and she was gonna come round wen she was saying good bye to garry he sed r u gonna cum nite clubbing tomoz with me and the other so not has he not got any money for Braydon he has got it to get PISSED with :twisted: :twisted:
he waas being really great and now seems to be trying to upset me agian!!
and i know this is going to sound really silly but now he will really upset me and wen he first gets round to see B wen he carrys on about going out etc all the time wen i am at home with B which i dont mind but dont need it to be told the whole time. but when he stops that and starts to tell me his sorry and all the usual stuff i surrender i always have.
other times he can cum round and be totally great and that messes my head up to!!
i think i am just scared of loosing him no matter wot he does/says/acts to me as i think im a teenage mum wot kinda bloke in the right mind would wanna goout with me, im not the best looking girl and all the boys iv been out with seriously is garry so im thinking wot happens if i cant find sum1 else to be happy with and who will take B on and i am just settling with Garry i really am so confused on monday wen garry gets round ill be in love with him again i dont know wot to do

sorry if this makes little sence
you are pretty sarah and dont stay with garry if its only because you think your not capable of getting better. im sorta just getting with someone who loves me and carey and would do anything for us. if you find someone that loves you for you they will love braydon...you come as a package and if nobody is gonna accept that then they are obviously not the one for you.
Sarah... you're a lovely and very pretty girl!!! If i was you, I would focus on Braydon and think about further education maybe. You're still lovely and young with the whole world at your feet.

You'll find your soul mate one day.... it could be soon too. Garry will always be the dad, but that doesn't mean that he has to be your partner. He's still a young lad that possibly still has to learn a few rules of "life".

So, spend sometime on yourself. Detach yourself emotionally from G and have some fun!!!! Your journey has just began - embrace it and dance with life. You're a gorgeous and natural looking girl - Mr. Right is out there somewhere, but start with trusting and loving yourself. You don't need a guy like G to play games with you. Afterall, he's having fun by the sound of things WITHOUT thinking of you!

Go girl.... don't believe for a minute you're not worthy of more. You can have all the happiness in life - make the choice to have a great life!!

Emilia xx
Sarah, I was going to say what Emilia said. It would be a shame if you looked back on your life and thought "why did I waste so much time on him". I was like that with my ex, was scared to leave him as I thought I could not do any better (ended up being with him for 5 years and was so unhappy for 3 of those) but I eventually did and concentrated on me. I had a great time being single as I was able to find out who I was, and what I liked. I then met my current bloke and am now in a much better relationship because I know what I want, and won't accept being messed around. You are a strong person and if it is Garry that you want to be with then showing him that you can be independant and won't acceopt his current behaviour might make him stop and think.

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