7 weeks today!!!


Active Member
Jul 26, 2011
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Hi ladies!! I am 7 weeks today and I just can't contain my excitement!!! Just needed to shout it to the world, so here I am :dance:

I also could no longer bear the suspense, so have booked a private scan for next weekend, when i will be 8+4weeks!!! :dance: We are planning to the tell our parents end of August, which is just before the NHS scan, so just want to be extra-sure everything is progressing well before we blurt the news.... since no one even knew that we were trying!

Hope you ladies are all doing well today!
Congratulations. With my first I couldnt keep it secret but I am with this one.
Thanks ladies!!

Keeping it a secret is the toughest so far!

Worst thing is that I can't even tell my mom coz she is the WORST blabbermouth and I can imagine she would not be able to contain her own excitement at becoming a grandma!
Congratulations! :) The next few weeks will fly by and then you'll be able to tell the world!
Good Luck :)

Enjoy the time when only you and your partner know- its really exciting!
Aww congrats :)

Im so strugling with keeping it a secret but were telling everyone end of August too , Also hoping to get early scann at my booking in app on Tuesday gonna pay for private one if they wont do it :)
Hugsy, can you get an early scan at booking appt? my booking appt is at a clinic so i just figured they don't have the equipment but i could be wrong.

BevG - we are almost due date mates :)
cool!. hope all goes well for you, ive never done this before and my booking in app is 2 weeks away so i cant say bout early scans but it seems to be that u can pay for one but unless theres a good reason they wont give u an early one but u can ask

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