7 month check


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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Rubie had hers today, eventually!!

Walked 20 mins in the pouring rain to the doctors, only to be told that the appointment is at the health centre right near my house! :evil:

So I had to walk all the way back in the pouring rain and was late, but it was ok cos Hv had a cancellation after me so we had loads of time.

I had a student HV but she was really lovely.

Rubie is doing great, developmentally and physically, I'm so proud of her :D

The best bit was when she said, "you can tell she really loves you by the way she looks at you" and "you must spend a lot of time playing with and talking to her"

I asked about her eating habits and about her not having much of an appetite for solids, and she said it's not a problem as they don't need food for nutrition at this age, and her milk will be fine. But to keep perservering and letting her taste food or she may not accept it later on.

I feel so much better now, my baby is happy and thriving and I was made to feel like a good mum, despite my earlier issues :D
Sorry but can I just say "I TOLD YOU SO". I knew Rubie was doing great but I know what you mean, its good to hear it!!!!

Well done you :cheer: :cheer: :hug: :hug:
Yay for Kim and Rubie!! :cheer: :cheer: Glad it went well hon and you must be really pleased with the comments made :hug:
Well done Kim and ROO!!

Very proud of you both!!

Jack will have a very clever wife!! :wink:
:cheer: well done Rubie and well done you!

That must've given you a really lovely high, you deserve it, you're a great mum and obviously it shows!

aww thats lovely made me all emotional reading that lol. Its the best feeling though when your prasied like that and great to know your little one is doing so well. well done you two

When we were flying to Florida, at the end of the flight the woman behind us said its not easy flying with a baby but that she was amazed at how good she was and that we handled her really well kept her entertained ect! I was so proud of myself :D

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