
Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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Well, Luke and I went for our 6 week check today and OMG - I was shocked LOL

I'd been told by the HV that the Dr won't want to see my "bits" so I was quite happy about that.

When I got in there, she noticed Luke was asleep so said she would do my stuff first. She started asking about labour and delivery etc, then about how I'm feeling (checking for PND) and asked if I have any aches or pains. I told her I am feeling fine (didn't see the point in telling her I am in chronic pain still from SPD) apart from a fissure I developed a few weeks ago. I'd been prescribed some GTN ointment but as it wasn't clinically proven to be safe for people who BF their babies, I decided not to use it and suffer in silence til this appointment.

Anyway, she did all her questions, noticed that I'd had tears that had needed suturing so wanted to check! Arghh!

Off comes my bottom half and boy was I surprised when she announced that she didn't just want to feel my belly to make sure it was all ok and back to normal and look at the stitches, she wanted do do an internal to check my cervix and uterus etc! :shock: :shock: :shock:

THEN, she asked me to turn on my side so she could check my fissure! Second violation! :rotfl:

She said my downstairs area is fine. She didn't even mention the fact that my labia is torn off (as seen here: http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... hp?t=73787) until I asked her about it. She looked and said it was fine and then said "he won't even notice". I then advised her that "he" had been the one who checked it for me and told me how it was looking in the first place LOL!

I didn't bother to ask about the pressure as mentioned in that above post since so many people had said the same thing anyway.

As for Luke, he is super.. everything is as it should be! I even got some new, safe ointment for my bum so all is good :cheer:
Hi babes,

I had a second degree tear but never had any problems and no one has ever checked it since I left hospital. The GP never even mentioned it.

I'm sorry to hear that you are still in pain from SPD. I had this for 9 days prior to giving birth and 2 weeks after. It was extremly painful. I hope it doesn't last much longer for you and you get back to your usual self soon.

Blimey bet that was abit of a shock! Its amazing, a few weeks ago I lost count of how many people were having a good old look at my bits and didnt care at all, but now the very thought..... :oops: :oops: :oops:

We have our 6 week check on Tuesday and I think its a male doc who although is v nice I dont really want him looking down there! Bit worried now!

Glad Luke is 100% :cheer:
To be honest, I thought I would be really embarrassed but giving birth takes away any last shred of dignity you might have had anyway, so I didn't really care too much. I'll even go for a smear when they send an appointment because firstly, it's important, and more so now I have my little boy to look after and think about and secondly, because I won't be half as embarrassed as I have previously :eek:
yeah a smear doesnt seem half as bad anymore does it!!
Thats true! I'm not looking forward to it though, it always really hurt in the past and Im worried it will be worse now with my scar. :(

Then again perhaps it will all be a bit stretched and easier! Men have it easy dont they?!
Oh god ive got mine tomorrow! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: And the doctor im going to see is one me and my whole family go and see all the time so she knows our whole family life story! god how can i look her in the face again after tomorrow! :shock:

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