6 week check


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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I've had a letter from my doctors surgery saying that they have made an appointment for me for my 6 week check but it doesn't say who it's with, does the midwife do it or the GP? I feel a bit funny about the GP doing it as I'm quite sensitive about thedown below area at the moment, and the thought of him doing internals rather than my midwife just isn't sitting very well for some reason! Mind you, after being cut and then still tearing badly the thought of ANYONE having a rummage around down there is still making me queasy!!
Its the GP that does it. When I rang up and told them it was the 6 week postnatal, they made sure it was a female doctor which was quire nice. Maybe you could swap for a female doctor if that would make you more comfortable? xx
My GP did my 6 week check but didnt look down there!! she said 6 weeks was still very early but she asked if i was having any major problems or any concerns about healing as i was cut so have had stitches. She said if i wanted her to look in about 2-3 weeks if it didnt feel "normal" again to make an appointment. that could just be my GP but you never know.
Hope it all goes well anyway :)
Mine is with doctor too I am hoping no internal is needed!... does anyone know if you can go earlier, i am not suffering to any great degree and really need to start driving again. I was hoping to make appt at 4 weeks.
Iv been told mine will be with a nurse unless there was complications then would be a Dr but im pretty sure they dont check you down there. i wasnt checked last time and i had stitches and mine was with Dr. x
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hopefully they won't be messing with my lady bits then lol, we don't have any female doctors at our surgery either so couldn't change anyway...I can't really explain how I feel about my nether regions at the moment, everything has been so sore after being cut and still tearing anyway :wall2: and now things are starting to feel more 'healed', I really don't want them messed with lol! Thanks for your replies everyone! x
With my two, the 6 week check for me was done by the nurse then girls were seen by the doctor after.
All they did at my 6 week check was ask if I was depressed and take my blood pressure, was expecting a bit more! X

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