
Probably all in bed, which is where I wish I could be. I'm exhausted! :shock: Gonna tell my boss this afternoon, coz i need next Weds off for Booking App, should go well. Just didn't want to have to tell thm this early, but I'm not using up my annual leave if I don't have to!

How are you today?
Well the morning sickness seems to have given me a break today! Very thankful as i really wanted a day without it! Work has been pretty manic today and i am hoping that tomorrow things settle down a bit!

Had to move jobs on thursday and then i was ill on friday so today is my first day in - lots to learn!

How are you? Are you getting any symptoms yet?

Is the scan a reassurance one or any particular reason for it?

1 week to go until my 12 week scan - im so looking forward to it!
No not a scan just the booking appointment at the surgery. I think you get weighed and asked a million and one questions! Hopefully she might try to find the heartbeat. My friends midwife did during her booking appointment. That'd be so exciting.
All my midwife did at my first appointment was take my BP and some history! I don't think our surgery is equipt for anything else! Again the good old postcode lottery dependes on what you get!

I'm dreadin the day that the midwife weighs me! Im only about 9.5 stone but i really don't being weighed by other people! Oh well guess its something i will have to get used to!

Anyway hometime soon so best go - need to have a sleep before a fireworks party at friends house tonight! Have a good night and i'll be back tomorrow! x x x
Well i am 12 weeks tomorrow but officially can't move to second tri till week 13! I have posted a few things on there as it has been so quiet but don't want to get in anyones way!

I thought we had loads of BFP's lately so thought it would be a mad rush trying to fit any type of post in but its so quiet!

Thanks for the invite though xx
I know I thought there'd be loads of people asking the same questions as me but no one. If I put a cushion up my jumper can I come to 2 Tri too? :rotfl:
There have been several BFPs lately, and several of us have had recent losses.
I, for one, haven't officially jumped into 1st Tri yet as don't want to tempt fate having suffered 2 m/cs this year.

So, we are here, lurking in the background!!!

Not going to proclaim myself as a member of 1st Tri until I feel I'm out of the danger zone! So staying on PAL (Pregnancy After Loss) for now...
Hey Miffy, I'm very sorry to hear about your previous losses :hug: I hope you feel confident to join us soon.

Tot's sorry wasn't about yesterda, but yeah it is very quiet in hear sometimes, It will be even more so when you have moved on. How's the new job today? I hope the sickness has stayed away for a second day!
The sickness has stayed away again today and lastnight i was even able to say out until 9:30 (no stopping me know!) before i had to come home because i was tired!

Work is going ok - if i am honest i was dreading moving into my new office as there are only 3 of us and the other ladies are quite a bit older. Today theough one of them took me aside and explained a little bit more about the job which is more than my boss has done! I think t was just nerves about moving from an office where everyone was my age and we didn't work in silence!

Miffy - when you feel able to move over there will be a space waiting for you. Please don't think iw as being critical about people not being in here.

Becs - how are you getting on now? How are those symptoms coming along?

Trudyscrumptious - wish i was able to stick a pillow up my jumper - im struggling today with my noraml trousers - think they might have to be packed away soon! :cheer: Are you still feeling tired?
Hey Tots Hope, glad the job is working out, it must be very strange.

Symptoms have stayed the same really, fatigue, sore boobs and weepy. On the up side hardly any sickness. Feeling like there is something going on in there this week and when I press I can sort of feel a swelling inside me. I am amazed I have made it to 10 weeks and can't help the excitement creeping in. I have started to fantasise about telling work. Non eof them suspect a thing and there are some really horrible projects coming up that I think they will expect me to take on as the senior designer. What they don't yet know is that I will be on maternity leave by then :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

*touch wood, touch wood*

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