5 week old 'shouting' in sleep


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2014
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Hi all.
We co sleep and between 10pm and 7am baby knows it's night so even though he will wake constantly for changes and feeds, he always goes back to sleep and until 5 he sleeps soundly. Every night between 5 and7 he sort of shouts,like when he exhales he vocalises it and sounds really angry about it and it's really loud so no more sleeping for us even though he appears to continue sleeping.

Anyone got any idea why he does this? And why it's at the same time every morning?
It starts to get light in the morning by us by about 4 am and I've found my six week old is more restless around this time. This morning he's be restless, wriggling and grunting since I put him down at 4. He keeps waking me up but appears fast asleep himself! He's like your baby, from 9pm is happy to feed and then nod off after each feed again.

I've noticed over this last week that he's beginning to change his sleeping habits. He will stay awake for longer stretches in the day and has managed longer stretches between feeds at night. Last night he woke for a feed and nodded off after an ounce which is what my eldest was like before starting to sleep through. So I think he's having a bit of an unsettled period just now while he works his sleeping patterns out. And hopefully starts going longer at night consistently!
My Lo is similar she wakes at 4/430 has a feed and I put her back in her basket. SHe doesn't settle properly thou. She will sleep but she grunts really loudly and kicks around a lot, the grunting keeps me awake. She wakes again at about 530 and won't go back down until 730/8
Jessie, my boy does that!

He wakes me up and I think he is awake, but he is still fast asleep but makes all these crazy noises, kicks his legs about etc, and then goes silent for a few minutes...

I put it down to upset tummy... Mentioned it to the health visitor and she didn't seem concerned. He hasn't pooed in the night the last few nights (which is apparently normal at around four weeks), but has a couple of poos in a row in the morning! That's why I think he is unsettled first thing in the morning.
Thanks all, I guess it's normal for this sort of age then.
Bigbee that's interesting that thy don't poo through ye night as much I didn't know that! It's true for us too though. I don't think there's anything bothering him to make him make this noises though, I think he just wants to make some noise it's just a really inconvenient time for me lol x
Ours was doing the same around 10-12 weeks. He also slammed his legs really hard on his mattress and shook his head from side to side. It was keeping us awake pretty much from his 4 am feed onwards. Really tough few weeks for us.

I gather it's got something to do with their underdeveloped tummy muscles to be able to poo. They force and grunt and feel uncomfortable with gas and / or poop. Out LO grew out of it by about 14 weeks.

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