My 5 month old has suddenly developed an apparent want for solid food, whenever we are feeding his sister he leans forward and opens his mouth. When we don't give him the spoon he screams, he stops screaming when he sees the spoon again.
We let him try a spoon of mushed pear of his sisters and he devoured the spoon almost.
His not drinking much milk, refusing any more after 100ml but cries like his hungry. I offer bottle again and he refuses.
He stares at any food, like his going to jump up and eat it.
The HV said don't give him Solids till 6 months.
I blw my girl at 5 months due to hospital saying to start because of severe reflux , cma and soya allergy.
But we haven't been instructed to do this with him so I'm nervous.
His 5 months old in 4 days.
What would you do? I'm worried his not getting enough, he has also started waking at 12 and 3 ( staying awake at 3 fir 2 hours!!!) through the night for a bottle after sleeping 12 hours straight from 8 weeks.
Any advice? On the food and sleeping?
X x
We let him try a spoon of mushed pear of his sisters and he devoured the spoon almost.
His not drinking much milk, refusing any more after 100ml but cries like his hungry. I offer bottle again and he refuses.
He stares at any food, like his going to jump up and eat it.
The HV said don't give him Solids till 6 months.
I blw my girl at 5 months due to hospital saying to start because of severe reflux , cma and soya allergy.
But we haven't been instructed to do this with him so I'm nervous.
His 5 months old in 4 days.
What would you do? I'm worried his not getting enough, he has also started waking at 12 and 3 ( staying awake at 3 fir 2 hours!!!) through the night for a bottle after sleeping 12 hours straight from 8 weeks.
Any advice? On the food and sleeping?
X x