4th mc confirmed :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2013
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I had hoped so much that this one would be my lucky one. After fighting to get another scan, it was confirmed this morning that I've had my third missed miscarriage. I'm devastated. Have to go back tomorrow for d&e. Baby had stopped developing at just under 8 weeks. Docs at epau are now saying I should be referred to liverpool women's hospital for further tests (all the usual clotting and chromosome ones were negative). Why did I have to go through 4 for this to happen? The recurrent miscarriage and antenatal depts at my hosp have been truly awful and so unsympathetic. Thank God for the epau team and my own gp.
I feel like I'm facing the real possibility that I'll never be a mum. At 38 and having spent the last two years going through this shell, I don't feel much hope anymore.
So sorry lovely x

Just been through this myself and as a fellow older lady I know how loud that clock can tick. But never give up, there's still time. Hopefully your referral will help x
I'm so sorry hopeful, I'm over 40 now (just) so i know the feeling of clocks ticking as cazza says (although think mine has exploded!) and worrying i wont be a mum. I had a mmc in Sept of last year so I know how heartbreaking it is.
It can be very hard to stay positive but I beleive if we want something bad enough it WILL happen, I have to keep hold of that and I know i will be a mummy.
I wish you all the best hun, take care of yourself and dont give up hope xx
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Im so sorry you have to go through this again! It is so wrong it takes 4 mc to have further investigation!xxxx
Thank you for all your kind words. I have to believe that one day I will get the chance to be a mum- it's the only thing I've ever really wanted to be. I've already had the chromosome and clotting tests done (all negative). Apparently Liverpool have a research centre, so there may be alternative investigations. I just hope it won't be too long a wait to get there.
I'm so sorry you have to go through that. I don't understand why the docs won't do the investigations earlier, it's so soul destroying to keep going through it. My thoughts and prayers are with you hun. please don't give up hope.
So sorry to read this. Try and push for natural killer cell testing. I had to go private as nhs not great for it but if you haven't already, so some research and ask them about it. Thinking of you x
GEH, sorry can i ask how much it costs to have that test done privately? Xxx
It starts from about 900 for the basic blood testing - up to about 3k?! George Ndeuke (so) at Zita West is one of the best and the clinic is great. I would seriously reccommend it as no so many people that have gone up Ivf etc. Route and wasted so much time, when in fact it's been their own immune systems all along xx
Thanks GEH, I'll definitely ask about them. I asked for copies of my earlier blood test results today too (previously I've just been told they're all clear rather than given the actual results). Turns out that I've never had my progesterone levels checked which, given the timings of the mmc, seems ludicrous. I'll be pushing for answers, or at least possible treatments. The epau have done a direct referral through to rmc clinic again, so once my doc also gets on the case I hope I'll be seen relatively quickly.
Oh hopeful I'm deeply sorry this has happened.
It's a bloody awful thing to keep happening, it's like a roller coaster and sea so unfair.
Sending you lots of hugs AND hope, hope for your future pregnancy. :hug: xx
So sorry to hear of your loss. I had 3 mmc (11 & 10 weeks) and 2 mc (6 & 7 wks). All tests came back neg although clotting levels were higher end of normal. Discovered I was pregnant again in Aug and took baby aspirin (just thought I'd try it :) ). Now 32 weeks with twins. And I'm 37 so don't give up hope yet xxx
Hi Hopeful75 so sorry you have had to go through this for a 4th time. I'm 42 we are trying to conceive since July2012, we've had 2 missed miscarriages at 10 & 11weeks over the last 18months. My consultant has done all the blood tests, plus scan, plus hysterscopy and has found nothing wrong. He doesn't think its age related, fingers crossed baby dust will come to all of us. He has recommended that if I get pregnant again to take baby aspirin and progesterone even though blood results came back clear. Get them to check your thyroid TSH and Free T4 as you may have an undiagnosed underactive thyroid & this can cause miscarriages. I have a treated underactive thyroid but my specialist said TSH is best around 1 if trying to conceive anything over 2.5 could cause problems. Take care of yourself.
Thanks Clementine, I'd not heard of the thyroid thing before. Another question to add to my list. This consultant may be talking for a while! Good luck and lots of baby dust to you.
Really sorry to hear about your mc, its so tough. The soul searching is endless. I've replied on your other thread but there is definitely hope!
So sorry to read this. I had 5 miscarriages and in june last year finally became a mummy to my gorgeous little boy. They did find a problem with my blood and I was injecting myself daily during pregnancy and high dose folic acid before and during pregnancy. There is hope. Xxxxx
i'm so sorry hopeful. i really hope you are able to finally get some answers, and i wish you all of the luck in the world for your dream of being a mummy to come true. i'm sure it's a wonderful feeling. don't lose hope xo

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