Hi folks. I was just wondering if anyone has also had this experience. I am 6 weeks pregnant with my 4th baby and I am dreading announcing it to my family, friends and work due to their judgemental attitudes. The baby is very much planned and both myself and my husband work and provide for our children. Not meaning to sound big headed but I am a really good mother and live for my children. One of my friends actually said to me when I told her I was thinking of trying for another baby "don't you dare have another baby". I wondered if anyone else has experienced this? I feel like people act like we are totally irresponsible because we want a 4th baby (this is definitely our last!) As I mentioned earlier we both work and never ask our parents etc to babysit unless its an emergency....why do people feel they have the right to have this attitude!? I am going to wait until my 3 month scan before I tell people anyway however its just the dread of what people will say. Any advice or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated, thanks x