4D scans


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2019
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Hi, I am going to have a 4D scan question becomes when?
So i can have one either at 27 1/2 weeks or 30 1/2 weeks (ways weekends work etc they are only real 2 viable times)
My thought are.. if i have at 27 1/2 weeks then if i do need a rescan i can have done at 30 1/2 weeks, whereas if we do it at 30 1/2 weeks theres less leway due to them generally not recommending it past 30 weeks??
Problem i see doing it at 27 1/2 is i really want baby to look as much as possible like it will when it comes out.. so its a toughie to choose a date.. any input on how scans will look at 27 1/2 30 1/2, best times in your opinion etc? Thanks!! :)
I'm going as late as possible. I don't think they can't rescan past the recommended dates, is it not just a case of the bigger they get the harder it may be to get a good image of them completely? Its still safe past the recommended dates isn't it? That said with my other two I am sure I got it a few weeks before the recommended end date and they looked like the babies they were when born
I'm going as late as possible. I don't think they can't rescan past the recommended dates, is it not just a case of the bigger they get the harder it may be to get a good image of them completely? Its still safe past the recommended dates isn't it? That said with my other two I am sure I got it a few weeks before the recommended end date and they looked like the babies they were when born

Im very conflicted on the best time to try.. 27 1/2 we then have a option to do a rescan if needed due to positioning at 30 1/2
Window to the womb have said to me 28-30 weeks is best, but not later then 30 weeks due to space getting cramped.. -_-
Not really sure what to do..
Tae the earlier option they will still look very similar to how they will at birth I'm sure. Off to google 4D images at that earlier stage now :)
Oh yeah, I just had a look and those images are similar to what I got. I must have had mine done at a similar stage
This won’t probably be very helpful to you but I had one with my first at 30 weeks and would never pay for one again. It’s totally clear and I have video of her etc but she doesn’t look like how she did when she was born and it isn’t really recognisably her. In the end I just thought it was a waste of money. But I totally get why they are exciting x
This won’t probably be very helpful to you but I had one with my first at 30 weeks and would never pay for one again. It’s totally clear and I have video of her etc but she doesn’t look like how she did when she was born and it isn’t really recognisably her. In the end I just thought it was a waste of money. But I totally get why they are exciting x

Tbh, i think i just have to have it done. Cant explain why! Haha i do appreciate your input tho. :)
I agree that 4D scan's no matter what time you have them done, do not look anything like the baby when they come out. I went to my Nephew's 4D scan.
Obviously no harm in going to get it as i will too but dont expect the baby to look identical too how it will look when it enters the world. x
Soffphie - I can say mine and my nieces and nephews do look like them so you may get lucky. My two are 5 and 7 and love watching themselves so for that reason alone it was worth us doing it.
Thanks guys.
Im going to book it as they have a very good offer running till tomorrow so i am going to go for 27 1/2 weeks with a backup plan in place for 30 1/2 weeks should i require the rescan they offer :)
After 30 weeks it's hard to fit baby on the screen so you don't get a good view. I'd go at 27 weeks. They won't do them after 28 where I live x

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