4D Scan


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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Hi Ladies.

We've definately decided to go for a 4d scan! Yay! :dance:
Wasn't sure at first if we could afford it but decided it's a once in a lifetime oppourtunity so what the hell!

Anybody recommed anywhere that's worth going to?
I know i asked this question before but forgot what you all said (yes i am that rubbish!) :oops:

So excited. :cheer: :dance: :cheer:
Hey Bob! Hope you are ok :D

On Friday I booked my 4D scan at "Window To The Womb" off Wollaton Park in Nottingham for Saturday 26th August and I can't wait! The people on the phones are very friendly and helpful and we are going to have the Celebration of Life scan. Here is the link to the website -


Nat and Bump x x
Awwww good luck Bob you will love it im sure. Wish I was having one but nearest one to us is like, London and thats about 4/5 hrs drive
JaidyBaby said:
Awwww good luck Bob you will love it im sure. Wish I was having one but nearest one to us is like, London and thats about 4/5 hrs drive

If you want me to hun I could do some research and see if there are any in your area :D
Oooohhh that would be lovely Momnat, have tried looking on net for a closer one but found nothing!!
JaidyBaby said:
Oooohhh that would be lovely Momnat, have tried looking on net for a closer one but found nothing!!

Oh right well i'll do whatever I can and i'll PM you with whatever I find :D
If you find one in the southwest, could you let me know please as I am desperate to have one.

Hannah XX
hananhmiller said:
If you find one in the southwest, could you let me know please as I am desperate to have one.

Hannah XX

Yep i'll have a look hun :D


I've found a company called The Baby Ultrasound Company who have a studio in Portsmouth if that is any help? If not, i'll keep looking
Hmmmm think Portsmouth is still about 3 hrs away... if you could find another one that would be ace, if you cant dont worry. :D
Still to far. Going to take ages to get there. Thanks Though

Hannah X

ive got my 4d scan on thursday! we have got to drive for about 1 hour to get there but its all worth it :dance:
hananhmiller said:
If you find one in the southwest, could you let me know please as I am desperate to have one.

Hannah XX

There is a company in cirencester glos called the baby bond..is it too far for you..if it is excuse my geography!
I looked into that one babe, its about 3 hrs from me so prob about 4 1/2 from Hannah, but ta anyway!! ps. My geog is pants so no worries
The more i read about 4d scans, and see all you ladies gorgeous pics from them, the moe i want one!!
hevwithbump said:

ive got my 4d scan on thursday! we have got to drive for about 1 hour to get there but its all worth it :dance:


You gonna post us your pikkies after you've been. :cheer:

Wishing you loads of luck for your LO to be in the right position and to co-operate! :pray:

Yeah cant wait to see those pics, so jealous, doesnt look like il be having one

*Stomps off to corner and sulks*
I tihnk i'll only be getting one is if one of my kind family members offers to pay for it, i've been hinting and hinting and hinting some more! So we'll see!!
yep i will be post all my pics! and i will try to upload my dvd to :D ive had words with little one so hopefully she will co operate! ive said if she behaves we can have that calippo lol
What Calippo?? What have I missed lol

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