4D Scan


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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I have got my 4D Scan coming up next week, have been told i can take a CD of music for them to transfer on to the DVD clips they will be doing however im stuck for a CD/songs to pick? It says if i dont take my own i can chosse something off them but knowing me in the heat of the moment i'll pick something i may end up not liking, anyone any ideas or what did others chosse if they had this choice????
There's loads, we just dont know what we should use :lol: Just looking for ideas off others who might of used music on a DVD scan???
How about some lovely classical music, that way it wont date, or what about your favourite song at the moment, is there something that you listen to now all the time? That way in years to come it will remind you of the song of the time, how about the x factor winners song :rotfl:
Thanks for the ideas, will keep thinking of something and no thanks to the Xfactor song not my cup of tea!
What about Savage Garden's 'I Knew I Loved You' the words would tie in beautifully, or Snow Patrol's 'Chasing Cars' they are two lovely songs, would fit in beautifully.

I dont think I have a choice for when I have my scan. So defo make the most of it. :D
That Savage Garden one sounds a good choice i love Savage Garden will have to dig out CD's now! OH booked the 4D scan and paid for the top one - hopefully it will be worth it as got very upset after my 20 wk scan.....
Why did you get upset after your 20 week scan?
Jaidy said:
Why did you get upset after your 20 week scan?

Felt like i was rushed in and out, hardly got to see Baby and then she was really funny when we asked for a picture and was only allow the one image - but got copies of it, i saw baby for slipt seconds at start/end and then when i asked Sex, she quickly said i think boy and that was that, i had a better experince at my first scan when i saw baby all the time and got stuff pointed out to me....Just thinking about my 20 wk scan still upsets me....
Oh hun thats awful, what an inconsiderate sonographer you had there!!! Noexcuses for rushing and bad manners.

Trust me your 4D scan will be AMAZING, I had one with Zachary and they are so thorough and detailed and answer all your questions. Because you are paying you get such quality (damn right too!!) so please dont worry it will be a fantastic experience. :rotfl:
everything crossed i will! I never thought of the scan until my OH meationed it and then he booked it etc seeing me so upset, just hope we can make the most of seeing our little baby and get it confirmed it is a boy!!!
The song ive picked now is "When a Child is Born" OH got The Mail paper yesterday and the free CD of the ACM gospel Choir, there version of the song is amazing and it just suits :D

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