4 weeks with pain?


Active Member
Jul 18, 2015
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Hi everyone.

I've only just found out I'm pregnant, I haven't been to the doctor yet so I can't even be sure how far along I am.

I think I'm about 4 weeks judging by my last period. I woke up this morning with a little pain in my upper abdomen, around halfway between my sternum and naval. I'm not having any bleeding or anything at the moment though. Is this normal? Am I just experiencing everyday pregnancy symptoms or general everyday symptoms? Or should I be worried about my baby?

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
some pain and cramping is very normal I would not worry unless you bleed or pain is hard to cope with x
cramping is normal hun, as longs you dont start bleeding then there nothing to worry about x
Thanks girls. I've also noticed a very minimal mixture of clear and white discharge. I've heard this is normal but of course as its so early and my first baby I'm paranoid about everything. What do you think?
I'm in the exact same situation as you, I'm 4-5 weeks just found out I'm pregnant too. I've had cramps for the past 3 days which feel similar to pre menstrual cramps and yesterday i made a post on here as I was worried about a clear watery discharge but many people gave positive feedback & claim it is perfectly normal. I'm a worrier and all of the other mums to be on here have gave me a little peace of mind, hope they do for you too! X
Left breast suddenly very painful. General soreness of breast but left particularly painful at the moment, and worse when I excert myself or laugh.
I'm in the exact same situation as you, I'm 4-5 weeks just found out I'm pregnant too. I've had cramps for the past 3 days which feel similar to pre menstrual cramps and yesterday i made a post on here as I was worried about a clear watery discharge but many people gave positive feedback & claim it is perfectly normal. I'm a worrier and all of the other mums to be on here have gave me a little peace of mind, hope they do for you too! X

I'm glad you've got some peace of mind. Congratulations and good luck with your pregnancy
Thanks!! Hope everything goes well for you also! It all seems so stressful and worrying at this point!! Xx

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