4 month growth spurt HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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People who have experienced the 4 month growth spurt please give me some advice and share your stories....I'm sure Violet must've just started going through this, she's a few days off 4 months.....she's gone from going to bed at 7pm and waking up for one feed at 3am to waking up 4 times a night :sleep: She is also harder work in the day...whinging all the time, I don't know what to do with her......Please tell me this is normal behaviour for a 4 month old....I feel like my baby has been replaced with a different one!!!! :(
Does it last for a long time??? I'm prepared for the worst as people say the 4 month one is the hardest!!! :D

thanks xxxxxxxxxxx
It does sound like the 4 month spurt hun :hug: :hug:
Calleighs lasted for well over a month :?
She went from sleeping throught the night to waking every couple of hours and was ever so fussy on the boob, i had such a tough time with it. But we got through to the other side :D
yup, sounds about right -hang in there hon, it'll pass... eventually...! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im going through the exact same thing babe!!

Callum wants feeding every half an hour at the moment!
And hes being so fussy/winging on the breast and expressed milk

Hes still sleeping through the night but its driving me crazy in the daytime

Wheres my good little boy gone :(
Yep, been there. I had it for about a month, but the nights are only just improving!
:hug: Sam is exactly the same right now!
He's just started improving this week but the last 2-3 weeks he's been whingey all day and up every hour all night :wall:
Am hoping this good spell will stay but he's really grown and jumped from taking a maximum of 28oz of milk a day to 41oz yesterday :shock: so we do have something to show for the recent misery!
Thanks everyone...it's reassuring to hear it's not just my LO.
Hopefully it will pass soon.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to all of you going through the same thing.
it sounds like we are going through this aswell.....was thinking of weaning but i'll try and hold off if it is a growth spurt!!

he needs so much more stimulation and interaction too, otherwise he is a complete grump, and he is bored with the toys on his baby gym....have had to swap them with new ones!! anyone else finding this?
we're going through this right now :(
ffion sleeps till about 1-2 and then is awake every hour!

no advice just huge hugs...

it wont last forever :hug:
Maybe this is what is up with Chicken, she's ok at night, but the last couple of days, she has slept quite a bit and has been a bit whiney when she's awake.

:hug: :hug: to all having a miserable time
hi all, i was just wondering how you were getting on with the growth spurt of doom!
Sam seemed to really improve but is back to being "challenging" again :wall:
sleep has gone haywire since he learned to turn onto his front and does it in his sleep, and we're back to having to do a night feed again even though it disappeared a looooong time ago....and OMG he is so whingey/clingey/needing CONSTANT entertainment during the day.
how to best sum things up? aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh
hope the other babies are improving :hug:
adam is still being a pain in the bum bum!! waking all through the night and i mean ALL through the night, every 30 mins or so, being so fussy when feeding and getting frustrated about every thing!! he is constantly chewing his hands and i can see a tooth below his gum so hopefully it will pop through soon :pray: :pray:

hope everyone else is getting on ok

i agree teej aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh :lol: :lol: :wall: :wall:
well......no improvement here girls....she's up every 2 hours in the night and is harder work in the day. my hv says i need to wean her next week as she's like this cos she's hungry, plus her weight gain has plateaued. notsure what to do. :think:
sarah2807 said:
well......no improvement here girls....she's up every 2 hours in the night and is harder work in the day. my hv says i need to wean her next week as she's like this cos she's hungry, plus her weight gain has plateaued. notsure what to do. :think:

there's no need to wean hun, as the others have said, this is what happens during growth spurt(esp 4 month one). Feeding every 2 hours is quite good - all she's doing is building up ur supply to meet her needs when she grows. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
as kelsey says - there really is no need to wean; there's no guarantees that food will make her sleep any better.

its all perfectly normal, just v tiring for you :hug: :hug: if her weight gain has plateaued, i bet you she's grown in length - connor rarely puts on much weight during his spurts, but seems to get longer before my eyes!

hang in there hon xxx

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