4-8 year olds pole dancing!! acceptable?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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in my local paper they have an article about four to eight year olds having pole dancing lessons.
Personally i can't get my head round it. Would you let your child?
I think there are plenty of other types of excercise out there like swimming classes or ballet classes to keep kids fit or am i old fashioned?
I have no problem with pole dancing for adults, this just this seems odd to me why a parent would take their child there.

http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/sear ... ancing.php
:shock: :|

Well my daughter is 8 and I wouldn't get her to do it...

For one it does have a stigma attached to it.... for a good reason... :roll:

Also my daughter has two left feet bless her and well, is forever tripping up on herself... She'd end up walking into the pole or something.. so not pole dancing.. we will stick with flamenca.
to me that's one step too far.
because if you look at what pole dancing actually is - it's mainly used in bars and gentlemen's clubs with topless girls etc.
why would i want my child to take it up knowing what's behind it?
No flaming way, i don't think it's acceptable at all.

People are always on about children growing up far too quick these days, no wonder with things like that.

Why would anyone want their 4 year old daughter doing that?!
:puke: :puke: :puke:

Whatever happened to ballet or disco dancing?
Thats juts wrong as another poster says there are other sports/ways to exercise and get fun without that as it has such as stigma with it.
I'm gobsmacked that this woman even thought this up and even more shocked that she managed to get 8 people to sign their kids up for it :shock: Any normal person wouldn't associate pole dancing with children. And as for the little lad in the class who said he feels "big and strong" when he pole dances I'd get him straight down the park with a football if I were his mum and dad! :think:

Lou :D
Not pole dancing :shock: thats what i do when i go out clubbing, i wouldnt let my daughter so it, its a sexual dance for adults only, not little girls. :puke:

Like urchin said, what happened to disco dancing or ballet?
It is a bit extreme but im sure they arent doing it in a sexual way, like choriographing(sp) routines where they dont dance with the pole between their legs and stroking etc but jump around and climb up and down.
natalie&jake said:
It is a bit extreme but im sure they arent doing it in a sexual way, like choriographing(sp) routines where they dont dance with the pole between their legs and stroking etc but jump around and climb up and down.

MMMMhhhhh not so sure :think:
You can't really pole dance without having the pole in between your legs, even the little girl on the picture shows how it's done! I think she teaches what she says: pole dancing. :think:
laetitia85 said:
natalie&jake said:
It is a bit extreme but im sure they arent doing it in a sexual way, like choriographing(sp) routines where they dont dance with the pole between their legs and stroking etc but jump around and climb up and down.

MMMMhhhhh not so sure :think:
You can't really pole dance without having the pole in between your legs, even the little girl on the picture shows how it's done! I think she teaches what she says: pole dancing. :think:
I remember shimmying up poles and ropes in the gym in primary school
emily wont be doing this no way she might wanna do it for a living or something when older. shes my little piglet.

My daughter does ballet tap freestyle and is in a troupe and has won 5 gold medals and one silver.

Pole dancing?? Lets leave that for the adults, thats my opinion!!!
no way josé! that is just rather disturbing.
Thanks Enn :hug:

DD has 2 more comps coming up in November, same routines, but up against different dance schools, so fingers crossed xx

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