3rd time more painful??


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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I have a few friends who have had 3 children...JUST THREE...they refuse to have any more as the third hurt so much! This has really put me off having anymore! (sorry if theres any 3rd time mums to be reading this it might just be crap lol)
4 women have said their 3rd hurt so much they had to stop having more...
I am happy with just having my 2 girls, but now im with someone new and he wants kids of his own...now! but im worried. I know its only one day and i know what im getting at the end of it all, but i was debating on the epidural.. i know i was asking for it at the end of both my labours but i was at the end so they wouldnt let me have it :( a huge part of me says ''no way!'', but then theres a bit that says ''no pain? way hey!!'' My friend had an epi and loved it.. but theres complications that go with it...
I dont know
Is there anyone here thats had a 3rd or more and disagrees with what im saying??? Please! lol!
I know every labour is different, but is it really much worse once you have your ''wear and tear'' ?? :?
I have absolutely no first hand experience of this as I'm having my first.

My friend told me that she found her first child the easiest labour only because she was younger and fitter (early 20s).
I know a number of women who have four children, one with five (youngest was born when she was in her early 40's). None of them ever said the third baby was the hardest to birth. One said the second, another her first. The others I don't think ever compared really. Each birth and baby is so different.

I think maybe people remember the most recent perhaps?

If you want another baby then go for it. You can request an epi in time hopefully if you feel you need it.
That is true.. Im only 22 myself, so i should still have a few miles left on me!

I think i may look into the epi a bit more. i have a bad back anyway and i wouldnt want it to get any worse..

Hmmmmm.. :think:

im just worried lol!

Thanks for your reples!
My older sister is 24. She has 3 kids. Her 3rd was the longest labour. She said if she had him 1st she wouldn't have any more. But i think she was expecting a quicker labour! Her 2nd was a whole 4 mins from waters breaking. She left for hospital as soon as her contractions started. 10 mins later he was born. So i think the 3rd was more of a shock as she was expecting it to be shorter!
Yeah they all said if their third was their first they'd have stopped right there! wow 10mins! id be scared of my baby coming out in the shopping mall lol!!
my 3rd labour was'nt anymore painful than the others, i just had gas and air. it was alot quicker though (just under 2 hours)
sarah113 said:
my 3rd labour was'nt anymore painful than the others, i just had gas and air. it was alot quicker though (just under 2 hours)

I agree with Sarah. No different painwise, labour was quickest of all of them.
My third was induced, and I had a spinal block, which was great. Only problem was the labour went on longer than expected, as he turned back to back, and the block wore off! It was pure bad luck though, as otherwise it would have been easy and virtually pain free.
well my mum has 4 and her 4th was the easiest and being a whopper of 9lbs :D then me who was her 2nd being 5lbs (she was in labour with me for 5 minuets!!) i think it just depends on the person and baby :D
My third flew out, literally, my first 2 were pretty much text book but my third came so quick and i didnt even realise i was pushing as with 2 little pushes the midwife caught her.
My second was the most painful tbh! My 3rd was long (about 10 hours?) and she was the biggest at 8lb 9oz but wasnt the worst!
THANK YOU!!!! :pray: :dance: :cheer: Im back to loving the baby thing lol! My second was back to back too, isnt that supposed to be more painful? coz if i could handle that..
I cant remember which one hurt more tbh.. :think: 2nd was quicker overall, and 2nd only took 3 pushes while 1st took an hour of pushing. and the back to back thing.. thats the only differences in what i had no control of, the 2nd i was way more mobile and that made it much easier for me..plus i knew what to expect (kinda lol) so that eases the fear of it all a bit. so i have no idea how my third will go... only time will tell i suppose!!

Thank you all for your great comments and sharing your experiences with me! :)

Watch this space for birth story number 3!!

Love to all :) xxxxxxxxx
My 3rd was my easiest even though his shoulders got stuck but that was due to his weight. He was born in 1hr 44 mins. My 2nd was defiantly my worst. The after pains get worse with each baby but that's about it.
kellie80 said:
My 3rd was my easiest even though his shoulders got stuck but that was due to his weight. He was born in 1hr 44 mins. My 2nd was defiantly my worst. The after pains get worse with each baby but that's about it.

Definitely agree with the after pains comment. Worse each time - had to take painkillers nonstop for a week with number 3. Sorry!

But labourwise, my 3rd was quickest at 2hr 34 min and easiest despite her shoulders getting stuck too (10lb!).

1st was worst as I was induced after getting pre-eclampsia. Think it's worse if there's too much medical intervention. My better labours were the ones at home in the birthing pool.

Also, I think you get more confident to make decisions about your own care with subsequent pregnancies as you know more what to expect. Midwives don't know what position you find most comfortable - only you know that.

As you can see, we are now on number 4 so it hasn't put me off that much!
soulem said:
sarah113 said:
my 3rd labour was'nt anymore painful than the others, i just had gas and air. it was alot quicker though (just under 2 hours)

I agree with Sarah. No different painwise, labour was quickest of all of them.

I agree with this too.
Jeez 10lb Jess! ouch! ive been lucky to have fairly small babies my 1st was 7lb6 and 2nd was 7lb5 both normal pregnancies no medical intervention, my 2nd was distressed for a while at the beginning of labour, but she eased up when she decided to be back to back lol, when i was told that she was in that position i crapped myself as id read stories on here that back to back was by far more painful than normal deliveries (is that true??-if it is i think i done okay!)
as for after pains, the second was worse than first, but i think that had something to do with the idiot student midwife who PULLED the damn cord after i had her before it had seperated from the uterus!! i bled HEAPS and they put down i bled only a little..i have become aenemic after that-dont know if its related. i remember feeling very faint as they asked if i was ready to be taken to the ward holding her, and i said no way ill drop her im so weak..they just said it was coz i hadnt eaten but i ate throughout the labour and kept my fluids up too with a sports drink! they stick together dont they lol!
i lost alot of blood with my second, but not during birth just after she tugged the lifeline!!
Another question (maybe a new topic) if youve had a coloscopy is labour more painful due to the sensitive area? might be a dumb question but it would be one thing less on my mind lol!!

Thanks everyone who replied my mind is (almost) at ease now lol! im still debating on having another with a different man..(maybe another new topic?) but ill be sure to keep all your comments in mind when i make my decision. Thanks very much!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hiya i found 2nd was the most painful and she was the smallest at 5lb 7oz my 3rd was the biggest at 8lb 6 (and a bit)oz and i found him the least painful. i had pain relief with my 1st two but not with my 3rd.

I found the afterpains were worse each time though and coming to think about it the niggly pains during my pregnancies were worse with each one. :think:

I would have more if i could afford it lmao!!!! :lol:
Thank you, thats good to hear that the 3rd was least painful even with less drugs!! Excellent :)
Finally squashed my ''third hurts most'' myth. Even though obviously some women find the 3rd harder than the rest but thats coz every birth is different. I assumed as the uterus etc had been thru it twice already so the third should breeze thru, but i was told different by my friends who have had 3 and stopped there due to the extremety of the pain! They put it to me like a wear and tear thing lol!
Ahh well....forum rules all!!! :dance: :cheer:

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