3month injections and teething


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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she had her 3month injections today, the minute she saw the nurse she cried ( i wonder if she remembered her) she stopped after i rocked her for a few seconds but she is teething too, feel so sorry for her. She should be in bed but i can't put her down tonight!

anyway she has had teething powder and bonjela and is a little grumpy with the odd out burst lasting a few minutes but not crying lots but is a little hot, does she need calpol?
i would try her with calpol, my lil man was hot and very unsettled after his first injections and the minute i gave him calpol he seemed at ease and went to sleep
thanks just did not want to dose her upfor no good reason,poor rthing!
hope she is feelign better this morning. Baby smile gets calpol before jabs and then before bed if he is grizzly - his legs seem really sore as he hates them beign touched and when I give him the calpol he is much more comfortable until it wears off - paracetaml is good stuff! :hug:
thanks :D

i woke up to a scream but she was asleep so rested my hand on her tummy and she went back to sleep but by 6am it was definately calpol time. She seems ok now!

its horrible seeing her like that

good idea to give before the injections

i find it so hard getting the stuff in her, she spits it out down my back normally!! x
:hug: glad she is feeling better :hug:

we got a 2.5ml syringe from the chemist and I squirt it down a drop at a time - any more anh he can't keep up but he seems to quite like the taste that way and we only loose a bit :)

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