38 week app


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2010
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so had my 38 week appointment yesterday ( cannot believe im 38 weeks already)
besides having a mild urine infection, im measuring 42 weeks and the MW said my tummy is ALL baby. she asked how much my daughter weighed (7lb 1oz) , then said bean will be heavier.
she was listen to the heartbeat for ages cause she thought bean was skipping a heartbeat - but all was OK. me and OH were so scared!

im 3/5 which im very happy about. was 5/5 for ages

and lastly i have a back to back baby. oh god!!!!
Ive heard it can make labour long and painful. anyone know anything about it?????
the MW said go on all 4's and sway, as this can turn baby
at my 37 week appointment bubz was back to back and the back ache i was getting was unreal but back ache is gone now so am guessing that lil one has turned :)
Its all go go go :)
DS was back to back from 30 odd weeks right through to birth! I did notice back ache during labour but it wasn't excruciating. Plus as it was my first I didn't know what was normal anyway really.

The second stage of pushing wasn't particularly difficult either but he came out 'stunned' apparently and didn't cry for 4 hours although he was perfectly fine and breathed ok, so I just reckon he was uncomfortable.

I tried everything to turn him before labour and nothing worked. The midwife showed me to get on all fours and twist my hips round in circles back and fourth and do the same on ur ball. Its worth a try I suppose??

Glad to hear everything went ok lovely!Get swaying and get that lil one moving :) xxx

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