37 week MW appointment - YAY!


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Righto, stick a fork in me, I'm done :lol:

Seriously, things went well. Filled out all the paperwork for homebirth, did all the support stuff (an A4 sheet to ensure I had considered all aspects and discussed etc so as to be informed of all options).

BP = 110/60
Urine - fine
Fundal = 38cms
Baby - ROL (was LOL last week) but is still able to flip over like a pancake whenever with very little discomfort to me so MW feels that baby isn't massive), not fully engaged though, but thats ok :)

Also she looked again at the scan results and said often tummy will measure big as babys take in a lot of fluid so expand their tums and of course then are scanned and appear huge. She doesn't think its accurate and to not put too much stock into it. Same with head reading. That is within normal guidelines and she is more worried about an overly large head than she is tummy.

And I got my homebirth kit :) Its sitting on the kitchen table. I have a folder of paperwork to read etc and a few things to buy for it all but woooooo

I'm to contact the labour ward at the hospital if I think I am in labour and they then contact the MW etc who will call me and come out as and when.

Have 2 weeks now till my 39 week MW appointment, after my next growth scan on 21 April. That will be fun I am sure :roll: :lol:

Going overdue is fine till 42+14 then homebirth is a no no alas. But of course can refuse hospital induction still even if I deliever there naturally after this. MW said I have options and if I don't wish to be induced I can be monitored regulaly to ensure LO and myself are fine. So am not worrying as I know I have the full 14 days to go over before its a no go with homebirth :)

So just a matter of waiting now :)

:cheer: :cheer:
Sounds really good! :dance: :dance: Looks like it's all systems go for your homebirth :cheer: :cheer:
You must be sooo excitied. You have the asnwers you wanted and have things to concentrate on. I even feel excitied for you!! :D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Glad it all went well hun, hope you feel better than yesterday now!!
yeah baby!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

wohoo!! You're all set, all you need now is for baby to make his/her move :D xx
Thats great news, but I hope you dont go too overdue :hug:
Great news Sherry hope you dont go overdue though.
thats great news hun :cheer:
i still havent recived my home-birth kit and baby is due in 6 days :roll: :roll:
ive just about given up with the midwifes here now promising one thing and never doing it
manda xx
Thats all brill news :cheer: you sound like you've got a fab midwife xx
yeyyyy!!!!!!! :cheer:

fantastic news sherry, now we just need to wait on baba making a move :hug:
manda224 said:
thats great news hun :cheer:
i still havent recived my home-birth kit and baby is due in 6 days :roll: :roll:
ive just about given up with the midwifes here now promising one thing and never doing it
manda xx

Awww shame you've not gotten your kit yet :( I'm so thrilled to see it here. But I've not poked around in most of it as its all sealed for MW's and sterile reasons. But there is some stuff I can poke a look at so :)

The only things I need to buy are some plastic sheeting from an ironmongers or some such to protect bed/flooring and a bucket (for weeing in if I am unable to make it to the loo)

Hoping you get all your home kit soon :hug:
i brought a couple shower curtains from wilko's purple ones hehe also raided the charity shops for old duvet covers all for a quid cheap as chips :)
hope all goes well for you hun
manda xx
Sounds like a good appointment!! Great news!! :D
Come on baby get moving now.xxx
Great news sherlock, have you had a trial run with your birth pool? How did it go?
Glad your appointment went well! I would be straight into that kit! I have no patience!!!! :D

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