34 Weeks now :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2012
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Hey Ladies,

I havent posted something for a while.....
And dispite all the rubbish that is going on in my life, my Little man is happy inside. Hes wiggling and dancing the night away. :dance: lol.

Had my scan done on Wednesday to see how he is growing as they said i was small... well the MIDWIFE needs a slap worrying me like that... Hes fine!! His tummy is the only measurement that is coming in at 32Weeks... but ill fatten him up soon enough if not when hes out thats for sure!!!
The lady who did my scan didnt speak any english and barely told us the measurements, so i will be asking my midwife how do i put it kindly in my baby plan that in NO WAY do i want someone who cant speak much english in with me in labour i need to know whats going on not be confused the whole time. Think MW is going to have a shock today because i will be asking questions and wont leave until i find out!! :)

i have a busy weekend ahead of me, I have my baby shower next weekend and we planned a BBQ but my garden still needs a little bit doing to it... The OH has gone to stay with his uncle so im not sure he will be back to help but its got to be done... So im thinking Tracksuit, hair up and get on with it... :)

I only have 2weeks left of work, then i am on maternity leave. So i will be doing my hospital bag then and sorting out all my little boys bits, washing them, pressing them etc... Making everything ready for him. I need to keep myself busy or ill drive myself insane with other worries about other Silly people.... Haha... (think if the girls who know me, know who i am meaning :) )

Hope everyone is coping ok... lets hope for a summer soon as thats all my son has is summer type clothes haha...
Adding a few pictures i done whilst bored, with a new bump piccy :)
Thanks for reading. Love Alice xxxx :wave:

34+2 days.jpg
My Bump In Stages.jpg
My Gorgeous Baby Boy.jpg

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