Hi first time on forum!
Just thought i see if anyone is in my situation,went for my 32 week scan yesterday and was told that babs is BIG 5lb 14oz 97th centile wondering if it will be c section or natural .aNY ADVICE or experience would be great.
This is my third child,my first a boy who is 8 years was 8lb 12oz and and my 3 year old girl was 8lb 5oz both natural.
hoping and praying that this one isnt any bigger.
Just thought i see if anyone is in my situation,went for my 32 week scan yesterday and was told that babs is BIG 5lb 14oz 97th centile wondering if it will be c section or natural .aNY ADVICE or experience would be great.
This is my third child,my first a boy who is 8 years was 8lb 12oz and and my 3 year old girl was 8lb 5oz both natural.
hoping and praying that this one isnt any bigger.