3 hours 3.5 hours 4 hours ahhhhhhhhhhhhh


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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How bloody often should I be feeding Hay now?

My Mum says I should be feeding him 4 hours and giving him water in between, I tried this but he doesnt seem content, more content on 3-3.5 however now he's only having about no more then 4.5oz whereas he was doing 5-6oz ahhhhhhh. He is still waking and i am feeding him 3 times at night...

Injust have no clue...
Someone *BW* I think it was... has babys on a 3 hour feed until 4 months, then they are capable of going 4 hours.

To be honest, Corey still goes 3ish hours now.

If you feed him 3 hourly during the day he should build up a belly full to sustain him through more of the night. You may just have a porker hun, whos hungry all the time!!
Lewis was on five oz every 3 hours up until about 2 months ago!!

He only started going through the night about 2 months ago too!

At the moment I know you feel like it will never end, but it will :) Just have to be patient and go with your instincts.

Also, babies do tend to get into a routine, when he wakes up one of the times in the night, perhaps just give him a drink, or cuddle him and put him down again. It could just be habit he's waking up for, not actually wanting a feed (I found this out with Lewis when I took him downstairs once and put him in his bouncer went to get his feed and he'd already gone to sleep in the bouncer!!! - it was a habit wake up more than a feed me wake up!! - the little tyke! this was when he was about five months old though)
James was having 4oz/4hrly then suddenly dropped to 2.5oz/3hrly and I asked my MW as I was worried. She told me that babies soemetimes switch to feeding 'little and often' when they are having a growth spurt. The reason for this is apparently that it is a natural instinct thing because if they were breastfeeding then this would make the boobies produce more milk so that when they return to 4hrly feeding the boobies would have more milk at each feed so if hayden was on 5-6oz every 4 hours he may want to take 6-7oz when he's back to 4hrly feeds.

Hope I made sense (don't very often unfortunately :rotfl: )

i use to feed ky every 3 hours but found it was much better to just feed when he asked for it. soon as he showed the signs, which was normally sucking his fingers, id make him a bottle. he never drank loads but i didnt worry just let him take the lead. he rarely drinks more than 6oz at a time now. He'd aks for a bottle between every 3-5hours to start with and once he got older he started asking at the same times in the day/night.
Growth spurt. It will happen a lot.

Luke is having his 9 month one now and will wake up anything from 4 times (on a good night) to 10 times for feeding.
rileys always been like this, he takes about 4 or 5 oz every 2hrs. i think we just have hungry lads hun! oh and he's on hungry baby milk too :shock:
Haven't read what the others have written (I'm using a rare nap to reply! lol)...

Follow his lead hun. I always did that with Phoebe, and I believed before I had a baby they fed ever 4 hours... How wrong was I!? She rarely went 4 hours, if she did, she'd be biting my hand off for it.

As she got older, she fed more frequently during the day, but less at night. So we'd have to feed her every 3 hours during the day. She used to drink 5-6oz each time.

Have you tried a dream feed? We used to dream feed phoebe at 11pm, she'd take about 4oz maybe. That way she'd then sleep until about 4.30am. This gradually stretched out to 5, then 5.30 etc. Then one day we went cold turkey cutting it out, she was fine, but her night feed went back to 4.30 again for a while, and again gradually increased.

Don't forget they do have tiny tums, so feed small meals more often. Phoebe hardly ever drinks more than 6oz even now.
:hug: :hug:
James is on hungry baby milk too.. went from 4oz/4hrly to 2.5oz/3hrly and has just shot up to anything between 5oz and 8oz every 4-6 hours (but has half bottle then a lil rest then 2nd half about half hr later)

Think it's some thing to do with the forum... I'm forever sitting here with chocolate or munchy food!!!

sarah xxx
As others have said, just follow his lead.

Molly has pretty much always been every 4 hours but in the last week she's started going a bit less during the day and then a bit longer at night. She knows when she's hungry so I just wait for her to show the signs.
Generally Theo goes 4 hrs between feeds. he has 240ml bottles (which he started doing at about 8weeks old) . however sometimes he just not hungry when he usually has his bottles and goes for 5hrs and sometime hes hugnry and chomping on his hand after 2hrs. id go with Hay's flow hun (and demand feed if thats what you've always done), he knows when he is hungry and when he is not.

Theo follows the Gina Ford feeding (and sleeping) routine. so i know when he is hungry and he starts getting grizzly when its time for his bottle. but every baby is different! :hug:

he is very scrummy by the way!!
James LOVES little and often! Its a nightmare sometimes but I just go with it and he is a happy little soldier. Follow Hays lead and you'll be fine :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
My LO had 3 - 3.5 hours between feeds until she started solids at six months (she was BF:ed).

I am personally a bit cautious before taking advice from the older generation. Not too long ago they used to keep mothers in hospitals for ten days after births and keep babies in separate rooms. Babies would only be brought to their mums every four hours for feeding.This was seen the right thing to do :wall:

I am not saying that your mum is from that era (it would be more like our grandmothers) but the advice has changed a lot. Plus everyone has their own opinions. I am personally in favour of following mother's insticts. If your LO is not content with four hours between feeds by all means follow his lead :hug:
Take his lead sharne, look for when hes having a large bottle then just wasting others on snacking. Maybe when you know hes going to just snack make some smaller bottles as formula is pricey!

Hope you and little hay are alright though!
Hiya hun,

Ollie is having 4 or 5 oz 3 hourly and wakes up about 2 ish for a night feed. I try and follow the GF feeding regime but only cos it was working for him. I then slipped and we are a bit out of synch now. Do what feels right for you. mums arent always right!

Claire x
Hey everyone thanks for all the fab replies, I have been going with every 3 hours but also noting Haydens change in moods which has been alot easier when as hes not on the dummy during the day so i defo know when hes hungry, he has started having aot less at night and 5-6oz during the day normally every 3 hours sometimes even 2.5...

Mrs tommo your avatar is gorgeus!!!

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