2ww query????


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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wonder if anyone can help with my questions??
basically i last bled on the 14th of jan and i am assuming my cycle has averaged at 35 days which makes me due on the 17th of this month.
i did my calculations and i was due to ovulate yesterday (which is 14 days before my period) am i on the 2 week wait now or could i still ovulate now.
just wanted to no really. me and partner have been doing the deed every other day this month so hopefully have got it either way anyway.
just wanted to no if my calculations sounded near enough close.
any replies greatfully recieved
Not sure I can really help but didnt want to read and run, but heres my theory.

I think you are right in saying that you can measure the length of the 2WW as being 14 days starting from ov.

When I was TTC I remember reading that the 2nd part of your period usually lasts about 14 days and does not vary by more than a day in each person.

Remember though, you will only be able to accurately calculate this if your cycle is the same length each month.

Good luck!
ok hun, if your cycle is 35days long, that means your next AF is due on the 17th of feb.
If you say you Ov 14 days into your cycle, that means you were due to Ov on the 28th of Jan.
but, am i right in thinking you Ov half way through your cycle?
typically, 14 days into your cycle IF you have a normal cycle of 28 days?
if i am right, this means you Ov about 17/18th day of your cycle, which would be 31/1st feb... i think :rotfl: im not a star at math, but if thats correct, you would indeed be in your 2ww! yay! :cheer:
im sure if you have been BD every other day, that eggy may deffo be pregy :D
:think: hope that helps a little :) xx
thanks very much. very helpful :clap: :cheer:
i thought that was roughly right just nice to have it confirmed.
woo hoo 2ww
..........................great here come the symptom spotting
Hi, you generally ovulate 14 days before you next AF is due, so if you're having a typically 35 day cycle and your next AF is due 17th feb you will generally ovulate around 3rd Feb. This is because your Luteal Phase, between ovulation and your AF starting tends to remain constant at around 14 days. But it could be in the range 12 - 16days.

So I would say you've got it covered by doing it every other day, but if you do have a luteal phase of 12 days you could still be fertile right now, so best have another go for luck :wink:

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