2nd hand birthing pools??


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Hello :wave:

A quick question for all those who've had a water labour/birth or are planning to - would you consider a 2nd hand pool or would you rather go for a new one?

My midwife said a lady who just had a water birth has one for sale. I was going to snap it up until I told my OH. Now he's put the idea in my mind that it wouldn't be hygenic. :think:

I was going to buy a new liner anyway, and the M/W seems to thing that's fine, but how do you feel about it?

Thanks! :D
i dont see a problem with it as long as it's cleaned and you get a new liner.

i mean its not exactly the same, but pools at the hospital are a lot more than 2nd hand lol
Hi there,

I had a home water birth and bought the pool together with a friend. She gave birth in it before me and I never thought twice about it, the liner is the only thing that gets really messy and as long as the first person using it gave it a good clean (and threw away the liner - sometimes the midwives will take this away), then I wouldn't hesitate.

I am lending out my pool to someone else in January and plan to use it again myself in the future. As long as there is a fresh liner per birth and it still blows up quickly, I cannot see the problem. Ask him if he ever goes to hotels and sleeps in beds that other people will have had s*x in? That's okay 'cos the sheets are fresh (like the liner!)!

Valentine Xxx
I was going to say the same as 'Star', they dont instll a new birthing pool in hospital eveytime someone uses it!

Use detol or something to clean it out and rinse well it should be fine. :D
We just bought a £14 pool off Amazon. Cheaper still :p
Thanks all! That's exactly what I wanted to hear :wink:

Star, Hennaly - that's what I've been thinking about hospital pools all along myself :lol:
Valentine - good point about the hotels! That should shut him up :lol:

My midwife literally just left (came home for "risk assessment" today :roll:) and I asked her again. She said (again) that with a new lining there's no problem.

So, I'm off to ring the lady with the pool straight away!

Thanks everyone! :cheer:
u use a pool liner- i borrowed my friend's birthpool which had been used for 2 other labours before mine!
Some people even go on to use their birthpools as kiddie pools! I ended up getting a birth pool in a box new on ebay CHEAP :D :D :D and it is suggested that I could do that, but it has pictures of pregnant mermaids and fish and silly stuff like that so maybe not! :lol:
I got a new pool for my homebirth I used a la Bassine one and I plan on using it again for number 2 and then we're going to use it as either a ball pit or a paddling pool for the children when they're older.

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