28week Blood Tests Midwife Apt - updated


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2006
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Hiya I'm seeing my mw this afternoon for some blood tests but she didn't say what they're for and I didn't ask when I saw her last :roll: . I'm not worried just wondering what tests they do at 28 weeks.

Well been to the midwife and she took 2 blood samples one was to check my iron ad the other was to check for antibodies that may be there.

I asked her about Group B Strep and as I have an increased vaginal discharge she took a swap and is going to send it away to be tested and one of the tests they do is for Group B Strep. Saves me having to pay for it :D Apparently my blood pressure is perfect 100/60 but there was trace protein in my wee so she's going to keep an eye on that.

I also asked her about the pains in my groin when I turn over in bed and she thinks its because of the way the baby is lying and thinks when bubs moves down a bit it might ease off but we'll see.

it is for iron, antibodies and glucose ?? I think??

Hope the appointment goes well! :hug:
i think its full blood count (FBC)? i had blood taken at 31 weeks (i think) and got the results last week, they said i must be eating well coz its "gone up" from my 16-week blood. (dont kno what that means tho!)
They test for various things like glucose levels, iron levels, white blood cell levels.
My 28 week bloods were for FBC (full blood count), glucose, antibodies and iron. I've heard nothing a fortnight later so presuming they are all ok!! :D
Thanks ladies might not have been such a good idea to eat some mistrals earlier then. My sugar levels tend to be low so that might have raised them a tad :oops: :oops:
I had to drink 260mls of sugary lucozade before my blood test so I'd not worry about a few choccies...yum!! I just had to have the extra sugar and test an hour later so I'm sure by the time you have your appointment your levels will be what they normally are anyway. xx
Yeah that's true feel a bit better now thanks hun.
Its just standered procedure to check your bloods at 28 weeks, not nice though either way!

I think it is for glucose, i had to also drink a pop sugar type drinka nd wait and hour then they tested my blood
I'm not being offered the glucose test.

I am hypoglycemic which basically means my sugar levels tend to be on the low side and if I don't eat enough they drop even lower. Its also triggered by too much sugar where it rises quite fast but then drops very quickly and so ends up lower than what it should be I control it by eating complex carbs ie brown bread/orange juice pasta and so on I don't have a lot of sugar in my diet and thankfully don't have a very sweet tooth :D so the chances of me getting gestational diabeties is very slim.

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