28 weeks today!! :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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I cant believe it it seems so close now that im nearly at 30weeks!! I cant wait till i can really start preparing from 30weeks!!

Got my GTT and bloods tomorrow morning, just hoping im ok with them, and got my 3D/4D scan saturday :D i cant wait to see lil man again hopefully itll seem more real seeing him like an actually baby rather then a 2D one lol.

Hope everyone is ok here, and cant wait to see all the new arrivals leading up to and including august :) x

My wife is 28 weeks on Saturday so very close to you. I will let her know when I get home. We are also very excited. Have fitted out nursery, got a few items of clothes, been donated moses basket, paternity and maternity leave sorted. Planning of shopping for a travel system this weekend. We are also booked in for NCT classes which start at around 7th June I think.

It just gets more real and more real every day. This third trimester my wife has started to struggle a bit more - been a breeze up until now - because she is not sleeping as well, is faint and has low blood pressure. Her emotional regulation is also on the blink a little!
Aww, it gets harder from about 27weeks, today i just cant be asked to do anything i just want to rest although iv got loads to do!! We have got most of little mans clothes already but we just gotta start washing them and putting crib up in my bedroom and start learning to fit car seat :) I hope your wife feels better soon! x
:yay: for 28 weeks... I know, so close but still so much to do... I still have to pinch myself and connot believe that I am now talking about things after the birth!!! am hoping that the painting is finished this week and then we can start organising properly :)
When i tell people iv got 12weeks left there like thats ages away but its really not is it, all the stuff iv still got to get and its gonna cost so much, everythings deffinatly gone up in price since i had my daughter :( how are you feeling? getting uncomfy yet? x
sometimes, it seem to wedge itself into my ribs which is wierd...
am getting tired a lot easier than I thought I would too... didn't think that would happen until I hit further into 30 weeks, otherwise I feel pretty good... am driving down to my sisters and then on to my best mates tomorrow (3 hours to sisters and another hour to BF)... am not sure how comfy I am going to feel at the end of it! :)
Wow sounds like you've got a busy couple of days ahead, i'm sure you'll love the 4d scan, its amazing seeing your baby so clearly, I already think my little man looks gorgeous! Good luck for your tests tomorrow.

Dave 2010, don't know if you know but mothercare have 10% off all pram / pushchairs and carseats this bank holiday weekend. My in-laws are buying ours, but FIL superstitious so won't buy it until babys been born, we've got carseat though.

Rowesb can't believe you're 28 weeks already, its gone so quick, i'm so pleased everythings going well for you x
Aww, I drive an hour to my mums and an hour back again twice every 2weeks as i have to drop my daughter off i no its not as far but i just dont think about how comfy i am i just concentrate on where im going lol it helps alot. Hope the tiredness dont get any worse, im in bed by 9pm and im up at 7am and i still feel i could sleep till 11am lol :)

And thanks katiejane im just hoping i dont pass out with the bloods :( i had a plan to stock myself up on food today before 10pm but for some reason i cant eat so thats that idea out the window :( x
thanks Katiejane...
I'll let you know how I get on... if I find it ok I am hoping to go to my brothers later on in June to pick up the baby stuff that has been collected at my parents, if not I will have to do some grovelling and hope the Dad will bring it all up :lol:
The one thing this baby is not short of is some where to sit!!
Hooray for 28 weeks!
I am the wife of Dave2010 who posted earlier so no slaggin him off for me on here! Although he is prob right about 'emotional regulation'-it's not too bad!

I actually say I am 28 weeks tomorrow and week 29 starts saturday but may be a day out! (nevermind!!)

Time seems to be flying-kinda hope it stays that way and also slows down as sometimes feel little overwhelemd by how much to do (and get my head around i think!!)
Iv got a list of bits i need to get and a list of what iv got its kinda helping me keep myself on track to get everything i need. Once i hit 30weeks im gonna end up in a mad rush to prepare everything lol x

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