21 weeks wahoo !!!


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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:D I'm well hapy 21 weeks today and I have my scan wednesday!!! ahhhhhhh!!!!!

I am scared and excited at the same time, scared because I just hope and pray :pray: nothing is wrong with the little one, both me and OH had a chat about it last night I asked how he felt about wednesday and he said he was scared and exited at the same time too!! I am sure everything is ok with the baby, its just so active !!! never stops dancing inside me and kicking me lol.

I am really exicted about the scan aswell Id like to know the sex but me and OH arnt going to say anything to the midwife just gonna let her get on with it we have found that works and they tell us more so hopefully she will tell us if its a little boy or a girl :pray: if not its no biggy as long as this little one is growing well im happy :D
aawwww. everything will be fine hun :hug:

i just realised ur 6 days ahead of me .. which means ur due sate is x-mas day :shock:
I know what you mean about being scared and excited at the same time. It;s amazing to see how much they have grown from 12 weeks as well!

Think that was my mistake, asking the MW what sex the baby was, need to learn to keep my big gob shut from now on!!

Looking forward to seeing your scan pic! I'll need to get mine upto!
yes and I have a funny feeling its gonna happen on that day too :shock:
Vicki83 said:
I know what you mean about being scared and excited at the same time. It;s amazing to see how much they have grown from 12 weeks as well!

Think that was my mistake, asking the MW what sex the baby was, need to learn to keep my big gob shut from now on!!

Looking forward to seeing your scan pic! I'll need to get mine upto!

Yes put your scan piccie up!!! would love to see your little one x I will let you all know how it goes its at 11.20 wed morning and I will post a piccie too.

Yes the keeping quiet and letting them do all the talking seems to work with them I suppose it cuz they have things to check first and always say at the end is there anything you want to ask and that is when I will ask if she can find out the sex, tho I have a plus side really as the midwife who scans is also pregnant and knows the sex of hers so she might be a bit nicer, was very nice to me on my 12 week scan so I am hoping its her again x

Awwww any preferences Tash? Blue or Pink dust your way?
Tasha20 said:
Vicki83 said:
I know what you mean about being scared and excited at the same time. It;s amazing to see how much they have grown from 12 weeks as well!

Think that was my mistake, asking the MW what sex the baby was, need to learn to keep my big gob shut from now on!!

Looking forward to seeing your scan pic! I'll need to get mine upto!

Yes put your scan piccie up!!! would love to see your little one x I will let you all know how it goes its at 11.20 wed morning and I will post a piccie too.

Yes the keeping quiet and letting them do all the talking seems to work with them I suppose it cuz they have things to check first and always say at the end is there anything you want to ask and that is when I will ask if she can find out the sex, tho I have a plus side really as the midwife who scans is also pregnant and knows the sex of hers so she might be a bit nicer, was very nice to me on my 12 week scan so I am hoping its her again x


I had to go to a different hospital altogether for my second scan, so i had no chance of getting the same nice midwife as i had before!! Looking forward to seeing your pic and i'll get mine up soon!
Jaidy I am not really fused either way id like a boy becuase they are always mummys boys :D but I would like a girl also becuase I like all girly things and they have cuter clothes ( in my opinion) oh lol i dunno ill just be happy either way! how about you?

Vikki I can't wait to see your piccie!! and its a shame you didnt have a nice one again maybe things would of been different 8)

Littleminx I am with Solihull unfortunatly I dont like it there or Heartlands (ewwwww) I have had very bad experiences with both, id like to go QE but I am looking at home births, I would like to have my baby at home, less stress for both me and baby and I get one on one care unlike 4 or 5 different women comming in the room all the time I just couldnt cope with that I want it to be as stressless as possible and have a more enjoyable experience bringing my little one into the world :wink: :D
I have no preference either Tash!

Id love a boy because OH would love a little boy (which all men would I think) and because like you said boys love their mummies. But a girl would be lovely too because on my OH's side of the family its all boys and a girl would be a welcome suprise!!

Either is fine....but the suspense is killing me!
A home birth would be lovely :cheer:

I couldn't get one cause of other medical reasons :( But Good Luck! Think it would be an amazing experience if you can. Can't wait to see the scan piccy! :)
Jaidy I know what you mean its exciting isnt it!!

Littleminx Thanks, Tho I am not sure it will happen as im due christmas and they will proberly use that as an excuss not to have one :(
I'd be too scared to go for the home birth, maybe with my next (here i am getting broody again already!!) as i'll kinda know what to expect but not for my first one!

Think i'm just gonna leave it as a surprise as to what sex the baby is now, had a talk with the OH and also the mother-in-law. I really am desperate to know but i suppose it's only another 18 weeks or so to wait and i think it'll just add to the excitement too! Only thing is i'll just have to buy neutral coloured clothing and decorate the nursery.
awww good on yer Vicki about not finding out sex :hug:

Home birth does scare me a little but not as much as going in hospital :D
It's taking a lot Tasha but i tihnk it'll just make the whole thing more exciting, not just for me and OH but everyone else, as instead of calling people up once i've had LO and telling them oh Vicki's had the baby, with them knowing full well what sex LO is it'll be more exciting for them to as we'll have to call them and say I've had the baby and what sex they are!

I'm not too scared of going into hospital, i know i'll be looked after, it;s more the fact of why i'm going into hospital that scares me Tasha!! I've never been admitted to hospital before, always just been a visitor!
Yes telling everyone after and finding out after is a great idea hunny wish I had as much patience as you :D

I have been in hopsitals a few times and had bad experiences each time thats why I don't want them to have control over what happens when im giving birth. But you may have nicer hospitals not all are bad just the ones round here certainly dont fill me with hope at all.

I'm not scared about giving birth I just know ive got to do it and as soon as it starts it will be over and I will have my little one in my arms with my family around me, theres nothing more exciting :hug:

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