20 weeks today - doo bee doooo


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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20 Weeks today and im very very excited, fell like i need to make a

:dance: * HAPPY HALF-WAY SINCE CONCEPTION DAY * :dance: cake

Might do actually dont have any huuuge plans for the day and i do have some fairy cake mix :P If i do im sooo posting the pics on here !!

I dont know, its just 5 months, seems like such a long time, but it feels like only yesterday i was piddling on that stick !!! Roll on thursday and my 20 week scan, then we can get going for some pink/blue cakes :D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Happy Halfway :cheer:

Can't wait to see your scan pics :D
Yay scatterpatch! :cheer: Only 4 more days til I can join you in the 20 week club, yay yay yay! I can't wait to find out if you're having a little boy or girl! Seems like I have to wait forever til my scan, not til the 19th :( Hope it goes quick!

C xxx
Thanks guyss !!!!
Me either, im soooo overexcited, everyone keep reminding me i wont actually be HAVING the baby tomorrow, i know . . . . i know, but still once you know if theyre a little guy or gurl you know lots lots more about them , i think im going to start thinking of them as a mini me or mini OH, plus you can start the hardcore shopping cant ya :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Im sure 19th will be here before ya know it claire :) I thought April would drag, but before i know it itd gone from the 8th of April to the 8th of May !!!
WOO HOO!! :cheer:

Bloody hell girl, last time I looked at your ticker you were 18 weeks :shock: Goes so quickly!! xx
Yay Congratulations! Mmmmmm fairy cakes with pink sparkles!!!!!!!!!
congratulations on 20 weeks. will be joining you in 4 days, cant believe its 5 months already, I guess time is gonna start speeding up as we get nearer the end of this marathon.

We have scan next thursday cant wait to see our wee boy again. Really hope there is no problems with our little one.

OOH My scan is thurs at 3pm we'll have to look out for each other on here and compare :)
Thanks You Lot :cheer: :cheer:
No wayyy riot girl same day and youve got a kurt cobain avatar !!! That means we can have little rockers togethhhherrr lo Mines at 12 so gives me plenty of time to get my pics up !! im convinced im having a little boy but i dont mind what were having at all, just want to here theyre ok,do you have an inkling/preference ?!?!?

Convinced im having a boy, but then we went to see made of honour the other day and was getting lots of kicks during, so maybe little girl who loves chick flicks as much as her mad mummy ?
Countdown til i find out wooooo, please dont have your legs crossed LO !!
well i have 2 boys and would lurrrve another one...but i have a feeling it's a girl oooh i'm even more excited now...WhoopHaa
im up LATE, hate it when you check the clock and its say. . . 3 hours later than you thought. . . then again that would explain why its so late outside i suppose :S
Awww Riot im such a bad influence on people, i seem to have the ability to make people really hyperactive :P My OH's one of three boys and i think his mums secretly hoping she'll finally have someone to dress in pink !!!
have you thought of any names scatt...and i hope your hyperactibity doesn't rub off on me i'm knackered :wink:
i think you have to be in the immediate vicinity but only one way to find out :P
Erm we really like Lilah May if its a girl, whichs is another reason i think itll be a boy . .. just to be arkward, we tend to go for more unusual names generally but were having trouble liking one idea for longer than a day or so at the minute before remember someone with the name that puts us right off it !!!!
What are you little monsters called ? Any name ideas for this one yet ?
well...my and OH can't agree on anything!! i like Libby, Lacey and Scarlett..nothing for A Boy Yet :? ..My boys are Connor (10) and Tyler (2)...hmm i fancy Riley for a boy thinking about it, but everyone and their uncle are called it at the mo, Lucas was an option..but people put me off :?
Yeah theres something about L names that makes them all cute and girly, they just sound more feminine for some reason, i can see why your having trouble with boys name youve already used your favourites havent ya theyre lovely names,lol but whats my excuse !! Iv been *casually* dropping riley into convos too since Urchin had her little Riley, i also quite like Finley, and OH's loving Seth this week ( i think because he caught a rerun of the OC though :doh: ) Lucas reminds me of harry potter ( because im a geek !! ) But i can imagine calling a baby little Luca if that makes sense :S

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