20 week scan tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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Got my 20 week scan tomorrow and I'm overly excited!!! :cheer::cheer::cheer:

Going to be finding out what we're having aswell as long as bubba co-operates!
Scan at 9 weeks

Scan at 13 weeks

Gone through some weird cravings, first i was wanting fish and prawns, then it moved to chilli con carne and then sour sweets. Now it seems to be dry roasted peanuts! mmmmm

Any guesses?
Boy for savour/spicy cravings apparently.....although my mum craved prawns with both me and my sister but I will still plump for a boy for you :love:

Have a fab time tomorrow and hope baby get's in a flashing mood :) xxxxxxxxxx
I'm gonna gues boy too! just looks like one lol! Good luck tomorrow and enjoy xxx:dance:
Im rubbish at guessing but Im gonna go for a little girly but keep us posted good luck!!XXX
Thanks for the guesses :D It's today eeeeeeeeek so excited!!!!

Scan went really well, everything was thoroughly checked and came back fine! The sonographer lady was really friendly too and kept commenting on what a wriggle bum our baby is!
Found out that we're...

Team Blue!

Baby Noah it is :D
Very pleased!!!
Congrats on team blue and glad everything is healthy. That is a lovely pic.
Thanks everyone :D

It was amazing to see him again! When she first pulled the screen to us, he was gulping down some fluid, looked so cute :dance: Sonographer kept commenting on how he was wriggling about and making her job a bit more difficult! And to wait til hes kicking even stronger, he'll be going like crazy by looks of it :P I'm so excited, words cant describe how it feels!
But at the same time, it was a bit saddening as it's probably the last time I'll see him before birth :(
Pleased with the scan photo though, she made sure we were happy with it before we left.. wish they were all as friendly as her!
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Lovely Photo, and Welcome to team blue :) X

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